author's portrait



Mobile: +420 603 828 014 | Skype: Zdenek Chalus


Nationality: Czech, EU


An international investment development program manager. 

Directed large-scale initiatives of the European Union financial interventions and initiator of consulting services in many countries in Asia and Africa, expert in project strategy planning and portfolio development across different sectors of the base infrastructure services.

seasoned trainer with expertise in strengthening internal financial controls in investment projects and emergency response initiatives; demonstrated ability to collaborate on building functional and sustainable international and interdisciplinary teams composed of experts from developed and developing countries. 

A published Author and skilled researcher of business opportunities on a territorial unit activated by synergy effects of several functions anchored in master planning documents and citizen's agreements. Zdenek Chalus is interested in cooperation on preparing and implementing the Self-Powered Community (SPC) Concept for low-income provinces.


5PforRES s.r.o.Prague, Czech Republic

October 2012–present (for following years, see website)

Founded the Prague Project Portfolio Planning Platform (5P) for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) as an impulse for the "intellectual" assistance to Social and Economy Development (SED) programs and Disaster Risks Reduction (DRR) projects and:

  • Developed the SPC Concept for provinces of developing countries and for scientists, politicians, sociologists, psychologists, lawyers, and other specialists that are focusing their views on "SED and DRR" innovations,

  • Defined the set of SPC Drivers: primary access to water (W), to clean energy (E), to locally available materials (M), to clean air (A), and value of finance (F) for socio-economic balance in the turbulent life of growing human population,

  • Proposed the SPC Utility as an implementation unit of the SPC Concept in a specific WEMAF environment of any province operating as a good custodian, controlled by the lead bank (representing a blend of all participating donors).

Led various projects related to the SPC Concept, WEMAF Drivers, SPC Utility, and a Project Portfolio for the 5P goals:

  • Developed a set the booklets, papers, and other tools for organizing, financing, and sustaining operations of a project portfolio using revolving funds and particular purpose company structure for the SPC Concept pilot project in Africa and ASEAN countries. 

  • Advocated the SPC Concept to the E.U. (Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, Sustainable Energy, Climate Change), Brussels, 2016, 2019 and A.U. (Energy Division, Department of Infrastructure and Energy), Addis Abba, 2012

  • Worked on presentations and consulting services and kept communication with provinces Sorsogon (2015) and Laguna (2017) in the Philippines.

  • Analyzed readiness and will of the present world's banking services to absorb long-term loans (up to 30 years) for the SPC Utility operations in the business environment represented by WEMAF drivers (under an umbrella of the International Financial Institutions network) 

  • Commented two relevant Summits Reports: first, "World Conference on Disaster Risks Reduction," Sendai, Japan, 2015 and second, "Summit Financing Sustainable Development and Sustainable Finance," Ethiopia, Addis, 2015

  • Worked on tools proposals for organizing, financing, and sustaining operations of a project portfolio using revolving funds and particular purpose of an SPC Utility proposal for presentation activities in Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho) and in ASEAN countries (Philippines, Malaysia) 

  • Participated in the Business Forum in Manila, first on the Power Trends 2011 and the second on the Power Trends 2016, at the International Conference and Exhibition in Manila, both together with partner CREA Hydro& Energy o.s. from the Czech Republic

  • Participated in the cleaning needs of old approaches and understanding the project portfolio planning of implementation of international financial interventions (e.g., presented by the methods of the co-owner and liquidator of the Prospectus s.r.o. company in March 2017)

5PforRES s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic, February 2009–September 2012

Civic association initiatives

Assisted and participated in energy efficiency projects (e.g., assisted cooperation between Prague and Cambridge cities in research and development of Low Carbon, Environment and Social Development Project), InStrategy o.s.; Prague 2012

  • Studied inputs materials from the Philippines, and the results were presented at Laguna Lake Development Authority in Manila and following IGEM 2012 conference in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2011

  • Worked on a Road Map, "Self-Powered Communities for Africa," proposed a project portfolio for Renewable Energy Resources (RES) implementation in Africa and ASEAN countries and demonstrated it via leaflets; Prague, 2010

  • Joined the Naira company's experiment in a research study, "Factory Proposal for the Thin-film Solar Panel Production in the Czech Republic." This attempt did bring no specific success, but it was an intense experience, and substantial input for communication; Prague, 2010–2012

  • Developed a paper about "The Master Planning Process (MPP) for Small and Medium Island Communities (SMIC)" and presented it at the meeting of the Centre for the Development of Enterprise Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy; October 2009.

  • Exploring the possibility of creating a private group to support solar technology in Africa and ASEAN. Examples from Africa: Ethiopia, presentations for METEC (Ethiopia's most significant company), Kenya, collaboration with "Adopt and Light" in Nairobi (2009–2012)

  • Assisted and participated in energy efficiency projects (e.g., assisted cooperation between Prague and Cambridge cities in research and development of Low Carbon, Environment and Social Development Project), InStrategy o.s.; Prague 2012

  • Studied inputs materials from the Philippines, and the results were presented at Laguna Lake Development Authority in Manila and following IGEM 2012 conference in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2011 

  • Developed a Road Map "Self-Powered Communities for Africa" and proposed a project portfolio for Renewable Energy Resources (RES) implementation in African and Asia countries (e.g., A.U. – African Union and ASEAN – Association of Southeast Asian Nations); Prague, 2010 

  • Joined the Naira company's experiment in a research study, "Factory Proposal for the Thin-film Solar Panel Production in the Czech Republic." This attempt did bring no specific success, but it was an intense experience, and substantial input for communication, Prague, 2010–2012

  • Developed a paper about "The Master Planning Process (MPP) for Small and Medium Island Communities (SMIC)" and presented it at the meeting of the Centre for the Development of Enterprise Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, October 2009.

  • Exploring the possibility of creating a private group to support solar technology in Africa and ASEAN. Examples from Africa: Ethiopia, presentations for METEC (Ethiopia's most significant company), Kenya, and collaboration with "Adopt and Light" in Nairobi (2009–2012).

ZTC, A.S., Prague, Czech Republic, and GermanyJanuary 2008–January 2009

External Senior Consultant

  • Mapping of solar energy industry development in the Czech Republic, Germany, and other countries around the world; Worked on a plan for the next steps of personal development (2008–2009)

  • Participation in the event of a solar lamp model for houses in rural and peri-urban areas in Ethiopia and Kenya with a link to the international program "Lighting Africa" (2009)

KPMGPrague, Czech Republic, July 2003–December 2007

External Senior Consultant

  • Worked on studies, internal financial control and audit, and other services for the Czech Republic government.

  • Assisted with teamwork on enterprise analyses for the public and private sectors, worked on internal audit services for clients, and supported education services for central and local government bodies

  • Initiated and led close cooperation with the Ministry of Finance (MoF), including State Treasury modernization, and collaboration with twinning experts from France, Sweden, and the Netherlands

  • Participated in technical assistance on E.U. Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) system in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Budget of the European Commission 

  • Assisted in the publicity of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project for Structural Funds in the E.U., and the PPP Project for E.U. Structural Intervention in the Czech Republic (2004–2006)

  • Proposed and participated in education programs for public administration officials in Serbia and Bulgaria focused on the financial internal control system, Belgrade, 2005 and Sophia, 2006

  • In cooperation with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and with the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic, organized and took participation in training programs on public internal financial control (PIFC) of the structural interventions and Internal Audit role in public governance of the Czech Republic

Czech Ministry of Interior, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2001–June 2003

Public sector employee: E.U. Structural Funds expert

  • Participated in the E.U. Structural Funds Twinning Assistance Project (e.g., France, Holland) and organized the foundation of the E.U. Twinning Project for public internal financial control (PIFC) mechanism under the umbrella of the Czech/Sweden twinning project (2001–2002).

  • Participated in the Public Administration Reform Program in the Czech Republic and assisted in training program development for the Ministry of Interior and the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic (2001–2003). 

  • In cooperation with the Ministry of Finance (MoF), drafted the Public Audit Law and provided technical assistance during the PIFC system's preparation as an alternative for the local government sector in the Czech Republic (2002–2003).

Prospectus, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic, February 1995–August 2001

Founder and Co-Owner

  • Managing Director and Liquidator at the Bank Invest Group a.s. (March 1995)

  • Led various projects related to Structural Financial Intervention (Structural Funds) for the MoF the Ministry of Regional Development Czech Republic: 

  • Radioactive Waste Repository Administration Office for Nuclear Safety and the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic Services for the Nuclear Fund proposal development for the Czech Republic (1995)

  • Deputy Team Leader of E.U. cross-border program for the Czech-Germany and Czech-Austria Phare programs (1995–1999)

  • Provided Technical Assistance to E.U. Structural Funds (S.F.) in the Czech Republic and Task Force Team Leader for the S.F. Program preparation of the programming period 2000–2006 at the Ministry for Regional Development (1999–2000)

Bank Invest Group a.s. Prague, Czechoslovakia - Czech Republic, September 1991–January 1995 

Private sector employee: Managing Director

  • Possibility to look into the way of transformation of state property (state enterprises) into private ownership (the known process of big-wild (coupon) privatization started in Czechoslovakia (1992) and continued in the Czech Republic) through several activities (e.g., privatization projects preparation, recovery of Czechoslovakia claim abroad).

  • Preparing documents for transforming the former Soviet Air Force military base into Czechoslovakia for new development functions. Research of construction structures burdens the previous army area for an opportunity proposal of a cargo airport for central Europe needs.

Ministry of Economic Policy and Development, Prague, Czechoslovakia September 1990–June 1991  

Public sector employee: Director of the Investment Department

  • Directed the department and the transformation processes in the national investment policy in transformation processes (shifting from central planning of the state investment spending to an open economy) with assistance from the World Bank training programs.

  • Initiated approaches for regional (new) emerging market conditions in Czechoslovakia using personal contacts, especially in Finland (e.g., break-down techniques for local self-governance building) 

Selected professional experience before 1990:

Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague, January 1989–August 1990


  • Substitute program after leaving the Czechoslovak Atomic Commission was focused on base research in the field of the renewable energy program (opportunities and new challenges).

Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission, Prague, January 1985–December 1988

Civil Engineering Expert 

  • Provided expertise in civil engineering planning program and specific applications in the nuclear plant's construction program in Czechoslovakia (the containment, construction, the nuclear waste repository about nuclear power plants Temelín, Dukovany, Mochovce), and cooperation abroad, e.g., nuclear power plant Lovisa, Finland.

Building Research Institute, Prague, Czechoslovakia, January 1976–December 1984


  • Six years of research work on a construction system for industrial buildings (ROKO) and developing new industrial, assembly, and maintenance mechanisms for roof constructions of universal hall buildings open for construction anywhere in the world. These works formed the base for the doctoral thesis. Three years after building the nuclear power plant in Temelín (containment construction tasks), the nuclear power plant in Dukovany, and the nuclear power plant in Muchovce (temporary atomic waste repository); now the NPPs are in operation in the Czech and Slovak Republics.

Metallurgical Project Institute, Prague, CzechoslovakiaNovember 1971–January 1976

Building Designer 

  • Performed static calculations of buildings for industry and energy sectors in the Czech Republic. The first idea of the construction system for industrial buildings was outlined.


Ph.D. (CSc), Development Systems in Construction May 1979–January 1982

Czech Technical University, Prague

Diploma, Training for Foreign Assistance December 1973–March 1978

Charles University, Prague

C. Eng, Civil Engineering, August 1965–September 1971 

Czech Technical University, Prague


  • Head of Condominium of the Historical Building in Prague 1, Pařížská 17 (2005–2015)

  • Member of the Association of Czech Internal Auditors (2000–2010)

  • Member of Czech Nuclear Forum (1985–1995)


Leading Lecture for the training program of:

  • "Project identification, preparation, and evaluation co-financed from Structural funds allocated for towns and municipalities of the Central Bohemia Region, Central Bohemia Region, 2007

  • Lecture Project "Building the Treasury System – Training System for the Treasury"; responsible for the segment "Principles of management control in the preparation and implementation of the state budget," the Training system for stakeholders of the Treasury, Ministry of Finance, Prague, 2007

  • Lecture for Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, "Holding Management and Risk Management – Implications for Private Sector and Public Administration," KPMG Czech Republic, Prague, 2006

  • Project Cycle Management: A Technical Guide, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2007

  • Public Procurement Guide Preparation (Tendering and Contracting), European Union, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005

  • Training methodology: Elaborated the Attestation course for internal auditors and presentation this proposal to heads of internal audit departments of the regional self-government councils of the Czech Republic, Regional Office, Ústí nad Labem, January 2003

  • Financial Control and Internal Audit for Public Sectors, European Union, Prague, Czech Republic, 2003

  • Certificate in Microsoft Office Basic Course, Microsoft Technical Education Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, 2002 

  • Financial Control and Audit, European Union, Prague, Czech Republic, 2000

  • Building Knowledge and Expertise in Infrastructural Finance, Economic Development Institute – World Bank, Istanbul, Turkey, 1997

  • Training on projects PPP (Public-Private Partnership), projects BOO (Build-Own-Operate), and projects BOT (Build-Own-Transfer), prepared and performed by the Corporation for Enterprise Development, CFED (now known as Prosperity Now, it is a national non-profit based in Washington, DC), Washington, DC, USA, 1993

  • Expertise in Infrastructure Finance via seminars of The World Bank, Warsaw, Poland, 1991


  • Participation in the "Lighting Africa" event; in the most important International Business Conference & Trade Fair of Sub-Saharan Africa's countries, Nairobi, May 2010

  • Self-Powered Community (SPC) Concept Presentation (wall chart technique), Power Trends 2016 – Manila Exhibition, Manila, Philippines, 2016

  • SPC Concept Presentation, Hydro 2011 – Prague Exhibition for ASEAN Countries, Czech Renewable Energy Association (CREA), Prague, Czech Republic, 201

  • SPC Concept Presentation during bilateral meetings focused on an SPC project development for the Philippines, Power Trends 2011 – Manila Exhibition, Manila, Philippines, 2011

  • Presentation on a workshop focused on general issues and the example of a solution Carbon impacts on the life in community Cambridge, UK, 2009

  • SPC Concept Presentation, 10th Annual Meeting of the CDE (please spell out), Milan, Italy, 2008

  • Participation in the paper elaboration "National Development Plan for the Environment in the Czech Republic under Structural Intervention 2007–2013", Ministry of Environment, KPMG Czech Republic, Prague, 2005   

  • Presentation on the 8th National Conference "Financial Management and Development of Towns and Municipalities in the Czech Republic," Strategy of Municipalities for Financial Intervention, KPMG Czech Republic, 2005, Prague

  • Presentation on EURADA Conference Agenda: Innovation in Business Support Services Schemes

  • Discussion Paper: An architecture Approach for E.U. Structural Interventions, Brussels, November 2007 

  • Presentation for members of the W.G. (Working Group) for Structural Interventions focused on new initiatives; "Revolving Funds in Practice Application," Brussels, 2006

  • Presentation for a Public administration meeting on the Structural Intervention Policy "Strategy of a Government Team." 

  • KPMG Czech Republic, Prague, 2006

  • Presentation on INTERCLUSTER 2007, the first European conference, Discussion Paper: "The European System for Project Portfolio Management," Brussels 6 and 7 December 2007


  • Author of ebook "Self-Powered Community, Common Approach" prepared for the 1st meeting of the Joint Economic Cooperation committee between the Czech Republic and the Philippines, Prague, 2019

  • Author of eBook "Infrastructure and SPC Concept"; a beta version of the Bilingual Book currently for testing, and the final version is on the website of the 5P for RES; Prague, 2018 

  • The paper is about a case example, "The Pilot Project for the Philippines, "and the case story "Benefits of the SPC Concept, "prepared in Prague for the Philippines in 2014

  • Author of a paper "Developed countries have the know-how, developing countries represent huge customer potential," Published in Small Business Magazine, the Czech Republic, Trade News, 2013

  • Presentation of survey summary of theses "Revolving fund function, Reach and Poor People Reality, Communication of the Present World, Synergy and Driver's Effects, new technologies offer two examples: 1. Factory for thin-film P.V. panels, 2. Metallurgical electro-forming Factory), Presented in Manila, 2012

  • Author of a book about "SPC Program – Strategic Feasibility Study for Africa," the Book focused on territories of Ethiopia and Kenya, Prague, 2011

  • Research via paper on "The Master Planning Process (MPP) for Small and Medium Island Communities (SMIC)" presents the identification of Micro, Small, and Middle Enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries. The paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of E.U. Foreign assistance, Florence, Italy, in 2009 

  • Road Map for Africa outline (a broad definition of assumptions for a real transformation process) and set up leaflets focused on mixed renewable energy sources and technologies, Prague, 2010

  • Co-author of a paper about "E.U. Funds and the Architecture of the Public Administration" in a periodical "Subsidies for E.U. Funds," publisher ECONOMIA, Czech Republic, 2007

  • Author of two papers about "Subsidies and Local Self-government" and "Subsidies for land development and financial engineering" in a periodical "Subsidy Journal," publisher ECONOMIA, Czech Republic, 2006

  • Presentation at the National Conference of the Czech Institute of Internal Auditors "Internal Audit and Structural Audits of the E.U."; presented of the section "Audit Integrity," Prerov, Czech Republic, 2007

  • List of papers published in periodicals of the KPMG Czech Republic, the Horizons:

  • Co-author of "Benchmarking in public administration," Prague, 2006 

  • Author of "Reform of public administration and the PIFC system," Prague, 2005

  • Author of "Public administration in Europe," Prague, 2005

  • Co-author of the book "Reform of Public Administration in the Czech Republic" - "Raising the Quality of Public Administration Operation through Public Funding and Public Control," Ministry of the Interior, Prague 2003.

  • The intention of a technical draft of a new legal law, "The Commitment on Public Audit," and advocacy of this proposal at the Legislative Council of the Czech Republic government, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance, Prague, 2002–2003

  • Paper prepared by the Task Force Leader (in annexes of the Final Report): Log-frame 1: Technical assistance for internal auditing implementation at the National Fund, Log-frame 2: Technical assistance in building a State Treasury system, Log-frame 3: Multi-country Internal Auditing Program (MIAP) for Candidate Countries, Prague, 2001

  • Responsible for bilingual (English – Czech) training and seminars manual for "Auditing and internal financial control in the Member States" for the Ministry for Regional Development, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Interior, Prague, 2001– 2002

  • Projects prepared by the Deputy Team Leader of the Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) between the Germany – Czech Republic and between the Austria - Czech Republic (projects for drinking water, sewers, sewage treatment plants, road and rail connections, and other constructions) 1995–1999 

  • Nuclear Account Financial Model, prepared in the U.S. – Czech Republic cooperation for the Radioactive Waste Repository Administration Office. The model estimates costs and timing of future capital investment needs for the next nuclear waste depository in the Czech Republic, Prospectus s.r.o., Prague, 1995

  • A series of publications, "Nuclear Energy Construction" published by the Information Center for Nuclear Program of the Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission, CAEC (only in the Czech language):

  • Author of the Blue Book: Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) contemporary technologies and building procedures in the world, CAEC, Prague, 1985

  • Author of the Red Book: Pre-Design and Project Preparation methodology for NPPs construction, CEAC, Prague, 1986

  • Co-author of the Green Book: Project management in the construction process of NPPs abroad (Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, and the Soviet Union), CAEC, Prague, 1991.

  • Nuclear Power Plants Building - construction of the Containment for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Temelín, and civil construction of the Bubbler vacuum localization system for NPPs Dukovany and Mochovce. Building Research Institute, Prague, 1982–1984 (only in the Czech Language)

  • Papers and publications related to "Open building steel construction assembly system for the production and storage" – the ROKO system proposes a kit composed of individual steel lattice elements industrially produced and, on place, assembled into the final building objects, Building Research Institute, Prague, 1976–1981 (only in the Czech Language) 


  • Human behavior research and discussion on a common approach to communication via continue from 2015 till now

  • Research via eBooks "Infrastructure and SPC Concept (2018) and Common Approach (2019) was open at the end of 2018. The goal is to utilize ICT and to assist the development of new "e-graphical language" for a deeper understanding of more abstract situations - from philosophy to new apps direct impacts.

  • Collected SPC Concept pilot project data from Philippines, Malaysia, Ethiopia, and Kenya; Business Forum in Manila (Business Matching and Presentation); presented renewable energy and socio-economic trends in the Philippines and RES Market Research 2011–2016,

  • Experience with Procurement (tendering) via the Africa Union Research Grant, Open Call for Proposals focused on territories Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Applicant ETS TARA, s.a.rl, "Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Self-Powered Communities in Rural and Peri-urban areas in Africa, Addis 2011

  • Research of the internal financial control and audit role in public administration; documented on a sample of the U.K. Administration Reform, in a spectrum from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to the local level on a sample of the Northumberland County; Ministry of Interior, Prague, 2003

  • Research of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) was introduced in a paper about "Innovation Strategy for and new tasks for the business innovation Centre in Ostrava," KPMG Czech Republic, Ostrava, 2004

  • Cooperation with CMRZ Bank in a matter of the transition of the PHARE payment mechanism into the Structural Funds methodology (research of assumptions for the deeper fusion of internal financial control and audit services presented by state administration and banks services), Prague, 2001

  • How to shift provinces (regions) of Czechoslovakia close to a market economy? Leaflet Northern Bohemia was prepared as a discussion paper "How to form the Future Responsibility of Public and Private Sectors," Ministry of Economy, Prague, 1991  

  • How to start a newly established Ministry of Economic Policy and Development of Czechoslovakia? The project "Intellectualization of the Ministry" was proposed by the Director of the Investment Department, in Prague, in 1991.


Computer skills: Internet and Microsoft Office Suite

Languages: Czech (fluent)English (fluent)Slovak (fluent), and Russian (basic)

Countries of Work Experience (one and more trips per country): Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Russia, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Danish, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greek, Turkish, USA, Brazil, Cuba, Cyprus, Mauritius, Mexico, Australia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, South Afrika, Botswana…