Website and Webbook (W&W) Figures


(The set of Figures of Sections on the Website Bar)

Figures of the finished Chapter C

C1 Self-Powered Community (SPC) and the Great Triad (GT)

C2 Science, projects, models, tools, and digitalization for digitalization

C3 Project data scaling and Dialectical Diagram (DD)

C4 Data, organizations, and SED, DRR, and HA projects

C5 Triads, market, project paradigm, and project supply chain

C6 The Humans behavior and thinking in the GT

C7 Diamond value of Self-Powered Community (SPC)

C8 Example: Strategy of vision and mission of the SPC Concept

C9 Example – The role of the tactic in a shift of the global development

C10 Summary of the Self-Powered Community, the SPC Concept

Under Preparation

Figures of the draft of Chapter D

Figures and Tables of the draft of Figures Chapter E

Figures of the draft of Figures Chapter F