Figure C1a.1 Wisdom is a rare and unique weapon of the Human

Figure C1a.1 Wisdom is a rare and unique weapon of the Human
It is about two ancient worlds, Eastern and Western, more than 2,000 years ago. The Chinese philosopher Confucius preferred a ritual with the specific need for virtuous deeds. Tradition has said when, where, to whom, with what motive, and how the moral conduct exists. The aim was to spread and promote ethical and intellectual behavior.
Around the same time, Aristotle, the philosopher of ancient Greece, explained his moral (ethical, honest) approach and intellectual virtues. His approach differed in that he preferred practical wisdom.
Antiquity confirmed that legislation aimed at the community's operation, development, and defense could not replace the importance of virtue. This attitude has resisted criticism that ritual can quickly solidify and be insensitive, and practical wisdom can end up as a beacon by a sea that has lost its function.
Antiquity, the Renaissance, and the present confirm that the message of the development of virtues is still relevant, and the critique of virtues is healing. The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with human ethical and intellectual integrity forms the basis of the proposed project paradigm. I am convinced that the new paradigm of preparation, implementation and evaluation of projects from the SED, DRR, and HA worldwide packages is the way to this goal.
The author of SPC Concept deals with philosophy via two known paths. The first is general and the other specific. It enables a pragmatic connection of the generality (system) with the material content of the details of life. It allows participation in the building of popular philosophy. The added value of this approach represents the Great Triad (GT) proposal. It is a platform of a unique environment in the Universe composed of the Earth planet of the Sun.
On the Earth is Nature, the mother of the Human. Both with many details on many levels which have spiritual and material values. Are broad in its content and dynamic in its changes. They are specific and entirely in the hands of the Human who creates and protects values, but they also destroy them and destroy themselves. Human invention accompanies this level - money, as a tool for their existential, business, development, and security activities.
On the Earth is Nature, the mother of the Human. Both with many details on many levels which have spiritual and material values. Are broad in its content and dynamic in its changes. They are specific and are entirely in the hands of the Human who creates and protects values himself, but they also destroy them and so destroy themselves. Human invention accompanies this level - money, as a tool for their existential, business, development, and security activities.
Figure C1b.1 illustrates the position of the human population of Mother Nature on the planet Earth and demonstrates the relationship between wisdom and the potential of the wealthy life of the Human.