Figure C1c.1 Science and cohesion of Human needs and knowledge

Figure C1c.1 Science and cohesion of Human needs and knowledge
The critical issue is the atmosphere of the Earth. The impact of CO2 on the planet's warming and the catastrophes predicted today are undoubtedly the most significant influencer of the Climate Change issue (floods, hurricanes, drought, etc.). But Figure C1b.1 reminds us of a broader spectrum. By 2030 or any time later, anything that will have a global impact could happen to the Earth.
For example, synergies between satellite impacts, the Sun's activities, volcanic eruptions, large-scale earthquakes, tsunamis, land dryness, starvation, famine, crop failure, social imbalance, and conflicts, accompanied by new diseases with pandemic impacts).
Figure C1c.1 presents the philosophy of the Great Triad (GT) as a complex view of the Human being in the GT environment, about prevention and restriction. It offers a change in thinking and behavior of the Human with the link to present know-how coming from scientific results and new technologies applications.
The most critical catastrophe can surprise the Human what he/she is doing (e.g., nuclear, chemical, and biological plays and their potential attacks on principles of Nature, and so to the people themselves).
In the Great Triad (GT), the Human is a partner who wants to survive, so they must master the integrity of information about who we people are, where the life Nature lives, what risks are around, and what we all and coming generation can afford to sustain in the GT environment.