Figure C1c.4 Hierarchy of four top tasks in the IoT environment

Figure C1c.4 Hierarchy of four top tasks in the IoT environment
For this webbook is the most critical task 1 /4.
Platforms building includes all activities (of individuals, teams, and collectives in the sense of municipalities and provinces) that seek and suggest ways to establish the potential for global goals and better positions for themselves (e.g., Google offers plenty of information and instruction about it).
It is about communication (information and instructions) for a model of tuning the relationship between souls called Homo Sapiens (HS) and Homo Diabois (HD), e.g., according to Figure C6a, b, c.
It is a vast and complex task about information and misinformation, friendship and hatred, trade and fraud, etc. Thanks to Galileo Galilei, humans gained a new platform. We know that the Earth is not flat but round, orbits the Sun, and is full of energy.
And so, in the Great Triad (GT), we can identify the impacts of the order of the Universe, respect for time and space differences, and the common principle of the distributed force (gravity) valid for all inanimate living objects. We can study what the distribution of the power means and how to understand this value for the Human benefit.
It is the opportunity to distinguish the "Power Distribution" in the policy of the Human leaders and the "power distribution" presented by the principle of gravity in the Universe.
Therefore we know that water always flows from top to bottom. Anyone who learns can understand that water can go up only in a "bucket" with an assurance that it has no leaky holes. It is an example of the law of truth and the legislative framework principle of the Great Triad (GT). Lies, fabrications, and frauds have no base or reason to be in this law of truth.
They are based on myths, ideas, and partial word constructions of the Human and serve only his/her interest and needs. It is generally about activities the Human calls, e.g., the "Social laws," and administrates via complicated structures (parliaments, senates, and massive supporting institutions).
But these laws serve only one of the three partners of the GT. So, it gives the sense to start doing something. For example, again and again, to build linking both existing natural and social laws, or to restart the role of using the "money," the Human perfect invention, for the TG environment needs.
The law of truth in the GT has a rational basis and is spiced with humor, emotions, and endless creativity of human initiatives for centuries. Without spices, the truth would be boring, but what to do, the whole living nature strives for its existence.
In the GT environment (in the jungle, there is not much space and time left for entertainment, lazing, doing useless things, like, e.g., preparing and making wars out of stupidity or whim, and do not think about the reality of both As-Is and To-Be).
The balance of truth and the degree of spice are the main topics of conflict between souls called Homo Sapiens (HS) and Homo Diabolis (HD). Every emerging platform should know this. Whoever wants to accept the new platform as a distributed offer must be careful. He/she must recognize in time and constantly check what is true in the platform, what is humor, and what is a lie.
People of the 21st century create and have a solid potential to develop suitable tools (technologies) to get his/her ethical value into recognizable positions of the need for the personal share of rationality and emotions.
Their souls should help them keep the line of paths to the harmony of individual and shared goals. Other tasks that follow the Platforms of new ideas and concepts are:
Task 2 (on the second or the third position in a hierarchy) is about the Organization and the Project's Digitalization. General research is based on internet information, in situ discussions, and personal practice experience (see the author's CV in the web bar About)).
Task 3, or 4 (on the third - second position, on the first - fourth position in a hierarchy of the set of tasks) is in per partes manner generally described and noted by some Figures. Unified economy strengthening and Global Digital Transformation (GDT) are tasks that will be presented in more detail after being analyzed and summarized by a wider team after sponsoring the SPC Concept development.
Therefore the set of Top Tasks in two hierarchical structures presented in Figure C1c.4 is not a simple "Piece of Cake." So allow me to support it once more through three other views indicated in Figures C1d, C1e, and C1f.1, 2.