Figure C1d Dialectical Diagram (DD) and the understanding of the Great Triad (GT)

Figure C1d Dialectical Diagram (DD) and the understanding of the Great Triad (GT)
Figure C1d indicates a model of the Great Triad (GT). The goal presents an object, and the path is about the definition and understanding of the Object's functions. In the relativity of time and space in a manner that any observer can see it (any animal, bird, fish, beetle, or Human, which is equipped to make notes about what he /she saw and create information and data).
The Object is the GT model (a shared environment of the Earth, Nature, and the Human).
All this is perceived in the time of As-Is. What the observer sees, feels, and experiences right now in the shared space. What the Human recorded (carved in stone, written on paper, and how his new electronic work develops with the information and data he creates, processes, stores, and uses). It gives him a To-Be look.
The most critical milestone is the observer's absorption capacity. At each stage of their interest, they should understand the shared environment with knowledge of differences in time intervals of the existence cycles of the Earth, Nature, and the community of people.
Standard Dialectical Diagram (DD) format is used with the designation of the peaks (points) of both triads according to Figure C1d. How to read DD? Firstly, the reader should determine the resolution of short (naive) and longer (pragmatic) paths.
The pragmatic path starts at point (d). It is the start of the DD reading, where the observer is in the As-Is situation. For this case, he/she absorbs (watches, thinks, records) information and data about Nature (b), everything alive, including their genesis tracks.
It works with data it stores, uses, and thus benchmarks with other observers (with a link to the past, it can benchmark other available records). Its absorption capacity is growing and measurable (e).
New tools, procedures, and commands are coming, and finally, all observers (in this case, people) can better position their position on Earth and their role in Nature (c). Benchmarking results and new technologies specify the quality of a stage for To-Be situations.
The observer is improving; he/she already sees better what and how to improve for the future stages of To-Be (f). The cycle generally creates presumptions for changes in the thinking and behavior of the Human. It makes and strengthens the truth of the laws of nature, planet Earth, Sun, and Universe (a) in the observer's mind.
The human soul is changing to be more flexible and tolerant, with the ability to manage the prioritization of the harmony of actors on the battlefield in the Great Triad (GT) environment. Observers (in this case, again, people), as a whole, thus absorbed in the GT environment, have a higher chance to operate and exact their social laws more ethically and efficiently.