Figure C1a.2 What we can wish more than better social and economy influencers

Figure C1a.2 What we can wish more than better social and economy influencers
The Human invented money as a universal exchange of values between himself (in a hierarchy of people that changes over time and their occurrence) and from the very beginning is solving two problems:
How to create money (e.g., coins, banknotes, electronic records), gain the right to mint coins, print banknotes, and activate electronic tokens, always with the risks of fraud and diversion or impairment of their value.
How to ensure that money (coins, banknotes, electronic records) circulates quickly enough among people (e.g., in the community) and thus fulfill its function - the growth of wealth in the community (state, city, village) and the growth of wealth in individuals.
It is surprising how these old principles remain misunderstood. The desire to be rich (e.g., by coins in a chest, in the form of bank accounts or other abstract records of electronic money and tokens) still wins and destroys the essential function of money. Classical barriers (blocking the circulation of the real money) are supplemented (e.g., by virtual money data warehouses).
One piece of epistemology knowledge has survived for ages. If a community (state, city, village) has a weak money supply, it must first manage its rapid circulation. When the community learns it, its society can increase the local money supply with growing wealth (e.g., print its own money or invite wealthy and educated donors to transform local life and culture).
This example is understandable - insisting on a balanced budget if money doesn't circulate fast enough is the same as sitting on a chest of coins. In other words, to talk about growing capital (somewhere, for someone) that does not circulate (remains in bank accounts), the growth of wealth (Gross Domestic Product, GDP) does not ensure.
Fortunately, we already have computers and mobile phones around us, and more and more people are thinking about natural algorithms and the causes of the failures that belong to them. A growing number of scientists and managers today can help politicians globally with what the Algorithmic Framework Theory (AFT) means and stimulate communication on developing the perspectives of the local and global economy.
What does the digital transformation mean for people's security and coexistence with Nature on a common Earth? It is a challenge for universities. For universities to pay attention to the balance of understanding what science tells us, what new technologies we can apply and what visions politicians have.
What projects do they support in the election campaign, and how will it turn out? Today, most of the population in all countries is motivated to Social and Economic Development (SED) globally and locally. The reasons are the threats of disasters, especially reactions to climate change and pandemics, COVID 19.
We all want a better and safer life. The effects of climate change, pandemics, and other threats underline the need to put disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures.
The objectives of the SED programs must include the results of DRR projects to measure and respond in synergy to the needs and demand for Humanitarian Aid (HA).
Linking SED objectives, DRR prevention, and HA measures into one whole (package) makes sense if we look at them as projects. It requires consensus on work on regional, national, and local strategies, individual studies, and large and small plans of individuals and communities.
It is a very high integration of many phenomena and processes, which this webbook tries to explain and needs to defend. The last century has seen the development of the so-called "developing world" as an endless battle between the International Financial Institutions (IFIs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and a few bilateral agreements.
However, most scientists and analysts know that failure comes more often than success. A consensus emerged in various fields (humanitarian aid, technical assistance, microcredit, and some completed investments).
The problems persist in accountability deficits, the lack of continuity and integrity of investment preparation and implementation, and finally, agreement on addressing the synergies between developed countries and the developing world, especially in impoverished areas (provinces).
New technologies open the door for the distribution of new applications; the world no longer needs the inclusion of individual ownership (e.g., take to the rich and give to the poor).
Today's world requires new inclusions in knowledge and moral areas. New technologies offer solutions on understanding, not being afraid to win, and don't steal (don't divert the assets of partners or third parties in a dishonest way).
An example is digital inclusion, a consensus that all people must learn the language of digital transformation and work with money as a tool for exchanging values (in the mode of machines that will sustain and further develop this transformation).
Everyone must learn to confront themselves (individual, community, and states) with what is happening in the global environment (to strive for benchmarking and competition, not disputes and wars). The unified (electronic) language of future business and social coexistence opens the door to a free world.
It increases the transparency of political, trade, and social relations, promotes the growth of prosperity and security of individuals and organizations and can preserve respect for the diversity of the cultural heritage of the human population.
A sufficient condition for fulfilling this vision is only the will of individuals and communities to participate. I call it the Self-Powered Community (SPC) Concept.
But even that is not enough. Man and his attitudes to the interpretation of the world around them are not the centers of the universe. In all modesty, the optimist can say that the Human is the partner of Nature and the Earth in the environment of the Great Triad (GT).
People should strive for this partnership. Strive for humility to the Universe, represented in the triad by the unique planet Earth, fair play to Nature, the living and unique substance of the universe, and humility and repentance to the behavior that the humans so far performed intends to continue in the GT environment.
It's not an accessible environment. An overview of the threats associated with it is provided in Figure C1b.1