Figure C10a.1 Overview of the GDT critical milestones by Figures below

Figure C10a.1 Overview of the GDT critical milestones by Figures below
Figure C10a.1 assists a reader of this webbook to keep all Figures, their items of goals, and paths connected and in the permanent links for standard communication.
Figure C10a is underlined by the Model of Business role in the Global Digital Transformation (GDT), indicating the potential of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the SED, DRR, and HA project package.
It suggests the spectrum of potential clients. Anyone can gain two approximations for his/her understanding of the scaling presented below:
First, how vast and massive the scope of projects means (worldwide), and
Second, how many data unification and algorithm standardization opportunities are hidden in such a set of works.
Figures C10a presents the structure of Section 10 of Chapter C. The most critical is explaining the Procurement. Its role and its internal and external functions in the form of the Sperm of the Procurement.
This new idea is explained and documented through four milestones (Competitiveness, Legal Framework, New Project Paradigm, and Self-Powered Community).
Two diagrams summarize the message of the 10 Section. The link between general and specific positions, which distinguishes the top-down and bottom-up views on items (milestones, tasks), needs independent attention.