Figure C10a.3 Business model on local level: bottom-up view

Figure C10a.3 Business model on local level: bottom-up view
Figure C10a.3 tells the same as the model Figure C10a.2 mainly of the specific application (in a municipality, city, province). There are only minor differences between both models.
For example, they are expressed by the question. How will the project preparation and implementation (initial and corrective) mechanisms, and how will their particular inputs and outputs be managed and operated?
The SPC Drivers function is a regulator of the impact of such measures in both models.
The case bottom-up in Figure C10a.3 presents how to enter into the system projects whose Scope (complexity, specificity) is beyond the set algorithms for machine operations (e.g., in Project Preparation Machine, PPM, and Project Implementation Machine, PIM presented in Chapter D).
The name "Sperma" proposed for the procurement operations has a simple reason. It is a symbol of reproduction. Sperma is a dynamic cell (concentrated know-how) of Nature produced by most animals and plants.
It can be presented as robust know-how of reproduction (copy) disseminated to the surrounding for existence and difference of species. In the literal sense of the word, we are talking about a symbol of reproduction. It indicates (gives a name) a phenomenon of the highest quality of the know-how concentration in a core activity (in a "cell-sperm"). Each Sperm is emitted in favor of the interest of the opposite activity (to a "cell-egg").