Figure C10a.4 Procurement model – sperm of the business

Figure C10a.4 Procurement model – sperm of the business
Figure 10a.4 is about a model of a dynamic set of data of standard procurement operations algorithms for the new project paradigm environment. Routine procurement operations cover activities: Sourcing, Purchasing, and Payment.
Figure links Figures C4, C5, and, e.g., C8b.2 and C8d.2, and C9f.2, and introduces a detail of the Sperm of the Procurement idea.
The interface of organizations, projects, and procurement activities are operated through sensors (e.g., by the C4.d) with functions to start up and complete any relevant sensor connection (in a switch on/off manner).
It advocates a sperm phenomenon for all organizations and projects (egg's function environment) as concentrated know-how today known as Procurement activity. This approach opens a new view of the Business (in an open, distributed market).
As a Czech poet Fráňa Šrámek wrote, "Men have the desire of a sower and women have a fertile wedge." And so, it looks clear that the well-being and profits gained via organizations and projects are a segment of the complex performances of the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) in the Great Triad (GT) environment.
The following Figures, C10b.2, 3, and 4, bring more detail.
The proposal of a tool, "Sperm of the Procurement," is a defense of the principles, e.g., "What nature knows and offers, the Human is free to use if he manages the risks of his decision." For applications "Artificial intelligence (computers) versus the Human," the above principle we can paraphrase as follows:
"What computers can do, the Human should transfer into his/her pieces of knowledge and skills, even at the cost of losing their freedom. And vice versa, based on what computers offer to the Human, he/she should fully develop their desire for freedom.
There is a big chance to manage our own risks and be supported by computers at this level. It is undoubtedly true that nature is an unrecognizable object for humans, but computers offer pragmatic services as humans develop for themselves.