Figure C10c.3 Projects

Figure C10c.3 Projects
Figure C10c.3 offers an approach to breaking down a project's scaling needs on a tactical level (for specific, open, and live cases).
In this status, As-Is offer a realistic view on:
The package of SED, DRR, and HA projects (what they have in common and what distinguishes them), and where is the core assumption of them to enter as a package into the Global Digital Transformation (DGT), and
the position (the Capacity) of a society's path (e.g., province) to utilize today's widely known rules based on the trade of the Project Scope, Costs, and Time.
The status To-Be offers a realistic view on:
The project's Effectiveness is a result of the care of the day-to-day Efficiency in the project's processes during all preparation and implementation stages with satisfactory outcomes in the local Economy and the environment of the nearest supply chain, and
The performance of the present Project Management, ability to utilize its know-how, be ready to participate in the Procurement processes digitalization, and properly participate, build, and maintain services of the project supply chain.
The next step is to build the DDs for the SED, DRR, and HA projects package and take care of their Effectiveness.
For example, the DD for the SED can be read this way: If we want to gain a SHIFT for projects of the SED, DRR, and HA package, we have to know the Scope of their coexistence (a deal of such project intervention).
We should be careful when and how to incorporate e.g., a new "Climate Change" intervention into the traditional social and economic projects (SED) through a set of DRR projects.
The total cost limits, the scope of the DRR projects, and the HA projects' impacts should have their budgets carefully balanced. The economic criteria are crucial but should not prolong the Timing of any SED, DRR, and HA package project.
The DD for the Effectiveness we can read similarly: If we plan to SHIFT the Effectiveness of our projects, we have to respect the present Project management know-how fully, respect the Efficiency of the day-to-day project's tasks, and train (educate) ourselves.
The aim is to be ready to participate in the new Procurement of goods, services, and works role in the GDT (with the new project paradigm adaptation).
Effectiveness means building the local economy based on the growing quantity and quality of the supply chains (in each locality) with the link to national territories or global regions (low-income, not excluding) with the turbulent global needs and investment spending in development (mainly in the care of developed countries).
The last DD for the Project can be understood as follows: if a Project (in ownership of an individual or Organization) is interested in reaching Effectiveness, it should follow steps by the DD (for To-Be vision).
The knowledge (understanding) of the complete project Scope is the least risky way to achieve day-to-day Efficiency, proper Cost management, and economic goals.
It brings assurance about how to reach Effectiveness at the right time and how projects can contribute to a better and safer life both on local and global levels.