Figure C10d.4 New Project Paradigm

Figure C10d.4 New Project Paradigm
Figure C10d.4 offers an approach to breaking an object, "The New Project Paradigm," in its developing stages and allows scaling of steps to design models on strategic and tactical levels (for specific, open, and live cases).
The stage As-Is offer a realistic view on:
Changes in traditional Project Management (PM). The reason is to integrate and speed up individual attempts to digitize organizations' operations and projects in different continents (regions), states, and localities (on a province level).
The project preparation and implementation processes must reflect different influencers (mainly stakeholders) from private, public, NGO, and other business structures and project operations.
The task is to identify the standard features and potential for standardization and unification of their components (units)ital Transformation (GDT).
All core segments of the PM like the scope of project building (e.g., land planning, demand and supply structures, construction and supply chains), financial planning, cost management, and finally, time management are a big deal.
They cover both big and small projects deeply anchored into existing legal environments of the customer-supplier relationships (mostly into stiff, inflexible partnerships with a low level of trust), and
Education and skills for a broader task spectrum of Project Management (PM) is demand (this dimension is missing).
All organizations and projects need the Scaling and services of Digitalization (to be ready to enter the GDT processes).
Traditional Project Management (PM) needs more integrity and distributed know-how transfers (not only buying computers).
All Organizations and Projects need a broader spectrum of independently broken down active clients (if we are discussing distributed open market).
Both large and middle organizations and small and micro-entrepreneurs need to know more about project orchestration.
They should legalize and deeply institutionalize their shared interest in cooperating (e.g., via a new internet platform).
The status To-Be offers a realistic view on:
Intellectualization. What does it mean? There are more definitions in this Web book in other Chapters and its sections.
For this section, Intellectualization means a deeper understanding of local, tactical Business for concrete goals on transparent paths under public control.
Tactical Business is a delicate process of inviting other partners to participate in the local supply chain building and supporting distributing business growth (indeed, the word tactical business is not used so frequently as the word strategy of Business).
Tactical business is closer to the free market distribution, to the tactics of moving on it, than to the higher tier, plans, and business strategy.
Nevertheless, digitalization favoring local tasks is key to Global Digital Transformation (GDT) success on strategy and tactical levels.
Such effort opens doors for innovation in Procurement, brings machines (computers) into independent services in project preparation and implementation processes and supports the GDT.
New approaches to international skills training and know-how transfers in the New Project Paradigm.
It calls for leverages of never-ending initiatives of internet platforms (e.g., creating a unique internet platform focused on the New Project Paradigm).
For stabilization, dissemination, and practical applications based on local practices applied for the local needs (e.g., education, training, personal growth of individuality for the team, and collective leadership).
Such a platform should be the first step of the UN in close cooperation with Universities around the world, developed countries, giant international banks, and initiatives of philanthropists.
These theses are based on the assumption that Intellectualization supports human sustainability in the GT environment.
The next step is to build the DDs for the New Project Paradigm to assist in better identifying the Scope of the project portfolio (e.g., solve the spectrum of primary and derived Drivers and Needs in a specific segment of territories). Such a set of activities we can present via three Dialectic Diagrams (DD):
The next step is to build the Dialectic Diagram (DD) for three situations:
For the Scope of the project portfolio.
For the Project Procurement.
For the SHIFT of the New Project Paradigm
1. The DD for the Scope of the project portfolio:
Comments on the most critical issues of Project Management (PM). Comments to sophisticated apps like Project Orchestration.
The most vital problems are external and internal financial controls (mainly in the project preparation and implementation stages. The internal financial control and lack of internal audit are critical.
The second but not last position is supply chain issues. It is a typical task of the big corporations (organizations) on a global level. Still, on local stations (it means on each level of a specific project), any failure is a big deal of fault of the project owner.
Therefore project design must be equipped with balanced procurement issues (including the supply chain contact networking) at the same quality and quantity levels as the architecture composition, construction solutions, and future functions of the Project of the work.
It forms assumptions for a propper (needed) time management and opens the door for project orchestration technologies.
2. The DD for the Procurement strengthening can be understood as follows:
Procurement must get the SHIFT. It is the most critical issue. It is both an assumption and condition for the SHIFT of the Project Paradigm on the New position.
Digitalization opens doors, and the Global Digital Transformation will grow through machines (self-operating computers networking) inputs into project preparation and implementation processes (see Chapter D).
The Project Preparation Machines (PPM), Project Implementation Machines (PIM), and other Machines, e.g., internal financial control and projects auditing, will strengthen projectś supply chains and GDT building.
It is what Project Management (PM) of these days needs and how to transfer the Project Orchestration from an idea level into daily practices.
3. The SHIFT of the New Project Paradigm.
The crucial issue is "How to start to do this?" But the answer must be simple. Yes, we can try it.
What is the goal?: The goal is to build, disseminate, and protect the sustainability of Self-Powered Communities (SPC) worldwide.
Why do we need it? It is both the motivation and navigation of the paths to the New Project Paradigm (NPP) as a necessary condition for implementing the Global Digital Transformation (GDT).
How to do it? Through the Business Initiatives, to found and operate SPC Utilities on territories of provinces, set the Scope of projects via SPC Drivers, and take care of this complex worldwide administration from the UN level (via the latest ICT supports).
Where and with whom to do it? Indeed, around the world. With stakeholders for private and public sectors, Universities, and Local Governments, with all authorities of the present policy, and social, economic, and cultural life on the Earth.
Where is money for such a venture? The most frequent question is, "Who will pay money for this? The answer is simple. The present Word Economy generates enough money; the critical issue is its distribution (validity, volatility, and liquidity).
The proposed Self-Power Comunity object is based on the distributed economy principle.
It is ready to correctly solve the money distribution issues on consensus agreements (through exemplification inputs and outputs of the transparent processes and benchmarking practices).
Why do we need it? If people accept the unprecedented change like digitalization, it is for them as their priority to gain new opportunities:
to rebuild Business as the priority of their Economic Life, and
enrich their Entertainment as the priority of their Cultural Life.
These proposals are offers for all of us. Surely. The DD in Figure C10d.4 confirms it.
Defining, presenting, and reaching the SHIFT called Intellectualization is a fantastic business policy (the business in the sense of building the intellectual property of the Human in the GT).
To graduate paths from milestone to milestone as they are in the proposed chain in Figure C10d.4 indicates the need for a strong interdisciplinary and international cooperation administered from the UN level.
It represents the path from the Project Triad (PT) to the New Project Paradigm (NPP), Task Triad (TT), Global Digital transformation (GDT), and finally, to a better and safer life in the Great Triad (GT) environment).