Figure C10d.5 Self-Powered Community

Figure C10d.5 Self-Powered Community
Figure C10d.5 offers an approach to breaking down "Self-Powered Community" into logical segments for scaling on a tactical level (for specific, open, and live cases).
The status As-Is offer a realistic view on:
Assumption of understanding the internal technological processes (operations structure) in the package of three distinct groups of projects (SED, DRR, and HA) of the current practices. It offers thinking about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on a background of the actual worldwide applied project package.
As was said before, it is about investments in Social and Economic Development (SED). These projects are increasingly entering into new burdens, e.g., via the growing climate change impacts.
A new type of Disaster Risks Reduction (DRR) project is on the table. All this (including war impacts) has its humanitarian background in the Humanitarian Aids (HA) projects.
These project activities represent a considerable portion of the Human fight for their well-being and survival (e.g., via own wars) and catastrophes (e.g., climate change and other external risks). For all this, the Human needs enough disposable sources.
Figure C10d.5 offers a methodology for snatching this issue into a proper hierarchy, scaling it, and starting working on a worldwide transparent algorithm through preparing and implementing the first pilot apps.
The status To-Be offers a realistic view of needs transformation processes and results, expressed as a view of the hierarchy of the environment to which the specific result belongs.
The diagram underlines three items (milestones). The first is about Human Behavior (see more in Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter C). It emphasizes the core premise: there is only one dominant influencer on Human behavior in the Great Triad (GT) - it is technology development and responses of the Human to it.
It means the Human needs time and peace to work and disseminate (worldwide) results of the science, technologies, and apps (in the spectrum of all sectors).
Human history knows plenty of different influencers, with positive and negative impacts (e.g., positive impact on healthcare, transport, ICT, and nutrition services, and negative, e.g., growth of population, growing waste, and danger of wars). On one side, the Human has complete (robust) financial services.
But, in parallel, it declares weak links of these services to his/her needs in the Great Triad (GT) environment. For example, the Effectiveness of Social and Economic Development (SED) projects, in any details of processes that had been before and are currently used (consumed) as investment spending.
Now when the Human is finishing the SHIFT of his/her "Industrial Revolutions" and starts perceiving the Artificial Intelligence (AI), a new horizon is opening (e.g., through the Blockchain and Smart Contract applications mainly in structures of organizations and projects).
The webbook discusses the New Project Paradigm (NPP) proposal as a necessary condition for the Global Digital Transformation (DGT) to begin, finish, and be fully utilized. The paths to goals of the To-Be period of the Self-Powered Community need specific and transparently arranged results in a respected hierarchy.
Figure C10d.5 resembles three levels of triads (e.g., more see in figures C5b,c,d). It is a fundamental structure for data mapping, collecting, and maintaining a flexible use concerning the critical level for the appropriate place (allocation) and time (utilization).
The diagram offers three situations of Self-Powered Community (SPC) development:
The package of projects focused on the needs of low-income provinces with an adequate base of know-how and financial support from others, primarily developed countries.
For the changes in Human Behavior, and Global Thinking dissemination (e.g., the Great Triad philosophy).
To transform the PM into the New Project Paradigme (NPP). All in the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) environment (for the SED, DRR, and HA project package linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG).
1. Project packages focused on the needs of low-income provinces
Project's experiences in the Environment of Organizations (see Figure C10b, c) of the present world. But what is missing is integrity among the procedures in such a vast spectrum of Projects. Most of them are still repeating the same processes.
We still see the same algorithms when breaking them down (mainly when we start scaling them). Only what differs them are the interface among stages of projects and the impacts of the surrounding Environment of each locality.
We can see it in samples of the Social and Economic Development (SED) projects and many other projects in high and low-income territories.
The present status As-Is indicates the relationship between project spending (in the package SED, DRR, and HA) and opportunities offered by the SPC Concept, SPC Utility, and SPC Drivers (see Chapter C, D, E).
It is an optimistic message that we can define the scope of projects for the highest scaling level and define the space (capacity, dimension) for the SHIFT of the project methodology transformation in the present, active (changeable) Environment of the Great Triad (GT).
2. Changes in Human behavior and thinking
The changes (sense for adaptation) in Human Behavior confirm the pragmatic assumption that the impact of technologies forms the behavior of the Human.
Technologies that the Human is permanently developing and he/she is repeatedly and again consuming are changing his/her thinking.
So the distinct cultural differences are integrated more via new technologies (via worldwide dissemination) than via local impacts of power, different ideologies, and faith. The trend reflects the philosophical content of the Great Triad (GT).
It is much more than only caring for a green environment. This fact accompanies all generations over the millennia, including those who were once or are more powerful today than others. People don't buy health, just like they don't get free.
The health quantity and quality are not paid only by money.
But also losing the Human position in the Great Triad (GT). For example, access to healthy air, water, food, healthy life, and healthy Nature in a security that he/she can afford.
Present Environment (now proclaimed through the green ideology) represents a toothless scale, elusive dimension, and unfortunately, strengthens the frog effect (see C10d.2).
Diagram C10d.5 offers a base for the scaling of this problem. It brings the confrontation of main milestones of the further development of the position in the GT of the Human.
The diagram offers to start from the principle of the SPC Concept, focus on building (implementation) of the New Project paradigm and test new findings (procedures, methodologies) through the functions of SPC Utilities and thus gradually enter the global Digital Transformation (GDT).
It represents the extent (in the range of projects), the localities (in various allocations), and their time (absorption) possibilities within the scope of SPC Drivers.
Indeed, other suitable concepts exist today and will emerge. The most pragmatic way to meet them, contact them, and cooperate is to be active themselves. Suppose these new concepts (images, ideas) begin to evolve and change into projects.
Then the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) will influence organizations on their (own) positions in transformation and offer them a good and more sustainable place in the Great Triad (GT) environment.
In that case, the benchmarking will become a sufficient regulator for the Competitiveness regulation and the truth of the Human detection in his/her future paths (To-Be).
3. Transformations on the most attractive levels
The Digital Diagram (DD) for the Transformation of the Project Management (PM) into New Project Paradigm (NPP) invites the reader to think about his/her participation in it.
Of course, according to his/her qualifications.
It is about transforming the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) environment for the SED, DRR, and HA project package linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG (for 2030).
It is a typical multi-professional challenge. Can we present the challenge closer?
Yes, for example, again, with the assistance of questions:
What is the goal of this challenge?
The goal is to prove the feasibility of the IT project by describing the core algorithms of the transformation of the standard Project Management (PM) into the New Project Paradigm NPP).
Why is participation in this challenge crucial?
Any project Stakeholder (see, e.g., Section 7 of Chapter C) should be ready to apply projects principles based on a proven experience on the local level for a scope of projects:
On a general (system) level for a sample of projects from the SED, DRR, and HA projects package (simple and transparent projects for the low-income territories), and
On a detail level of an implemented relevant project by the side interested in knowing, for gaining a complex "a picture, a snap" of data of projects operations from his/her investment environment.
How can we perform it?
Before the SPC Utility exists in a specific province territory, the most practical approach is building an informal multidisciplinary interdisciplinary team.
For example, via existing consulting centers or on an ad hoc basis to form virtual groups cooperating under the leadership of the person interested in getting results from such a team and utilizing them for the next steps.
Where are experts, and how do build such teams?
Experts are everywhere, around the world.
The critical moment is to know what you are asking for, define the team composition, navigate the strategy, tune tactics, introduce your ambitions and communicate.
Anyone should start themselves and present his/her value (share) for a virtual team (if he/she feels it is needed). It is the bottom-up approach.
Where is money for such a venture?
The answer should be transparent and straightforward.
Any proper project manager knows where the money for a project financing is.
Knows that money is coming per-partes, compared to evidence of their potential for the final return.
Traditional risk analysis, or a future project's log frame, is not enough.
Financial success is linked to the person's personality on all three levels: personal, team, and collective (see more in sections 6 and 7 of this Chapter).
The examples of questions above are aimed to open the start-up paths of the Self-Powered Community strategy and tactic vision and mission (see Section C8, 9, and Chapters D and E).
Following Figure C10e.1 presents the algorithm's model and equilibrium of goals and paths in an object hierarchy.
Presents milestones (goals) integration and their mix of four introduced components (Competitiveness, Legal Framework, New Project Paradigm, and Self-Powered Community) in stages of their development.