Figure C10e.3b Process scaling methodology proposal

Figure C10e.3b Process scaling methodology proposal
Figure C10e.3b reminds the need for education and skills in algorithms apps (e.g., algorithms models) and math apps (e.g., data structure models). It is an excellent opportunity for worldwide university cooperation and a specific task for the dramatic growth of any local (provincial) university.
We can talk about cases of a tight connection to:
Science (a.g., computerization and binary and quantum shift of data matrices chains calculations),
New technologies (e.g., Blockchain and Smart Contract apps in Project Management and Orchestration integrated into cores of the "Procurement Sperms" as a worldwide service),
Better economy, efficiency, and effectiveness functions of organizations and projects in any country, town, or rural area.
The set of Figures C10e.1, 2, and 3 is aimed at independent thinking of anyone about the genesis and future limits of the top objects of the Human (proposed are GDT, UEP, DOP, and SPC hierarchy levels).
Figure C10f.1 presents the "Sperm of the Procurement" idea and function in more detail via a model of a core (e.g., nucleus) and its surrounding layers (e.g., shell). The core concentrates on catching the procurement's best knowledge and skill (data know-how).
Generally, any other essential branch (e.g., for other technology, economy, social, science, or policy segments) can apply the "core " principle. The Sperm of Procurement is not nominated via global or local research studies results. The webbook author's recommendation is based on his long-term experiences with project preparation and implementation in the developed and developing world.
Each critical operational component of Procurement (e.g., business sourcing, purchasing, and payments) has its layer that is ready to interface contract connections on the "emitter and receiver" principle (more see Figures C4d, f, and C5c, f) in a broad spectrum of business services. Chapters D (the SPC Utility) and Chapter D (the SPC Drivers).
Figure C10f.1 presents the "Sperm of the Procurement" idea and function in the environment of the business models (BM) defined below (BM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Data structure and flows have on the applications level their goals and paths.
How to read the Dialectic Diagram below:
Process (in a cycle) starts as a concept (conceptual) description of the domain and specifies the use and limits of the model (d). It opens the door for normative steps, rules, and guidelines and leads to the required process performance (b). A logical path (e) can start and describe the semantics represented by a particular data manipulation technology.
It allows explanation and justification of processes (c) and evaluates several possible ways of acting based on rational arguments and reporting purposes. The path to the physical data model describes the physical means by which data is stored and operated (f). It forms all assumptions to complete the model description (a). The cycle means that any external observer of the older model can gain expertise for a new concept creation (d).
The proposal in Figure C10f.1 is about the distributed business services development and dissemination and is based on five business models: