Figure C10f.1 Business models integrations via dialectic diagram

Figure C10f.1 Business models integrations via dialectic diagram
1. The Business Motivation Model (BMM)
BMM is a modeling notation of the Object Management Group (OMG) to support business decisions about how to react to a changing world.
Any organization (e.g., enterprise, institution) or a project prescribes a particular approach for its business (task) activity.
It should be able to say why and what result(s) the system is meant to achieve. OMG defines two broad purposes:
To capture decisions about the reaction to change and the rationale for making them, make them shareable, increase clarity, and improve decision-making by learning from experience.
To reference the outcomes of the decisions to their effect on the operational business (e.g., changes made to business processes and organization responsibilities), providing traceability from influencer to operational change.
2. Organizations models
Legal organizations include corporations, governments, non-governmental organizations, political organizations, international organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, and educational institutions. In the public sector, organizations are owned and controlled by the government.
Meanwhile, organizations within the private sector are held and managed by individuals or private companies. Three forms of organizations describe the organizational structures used by most companies today.
Each state has advantages and disadvantages that owners must consider before deciding which one to implement for their business. There are three main groups of organizational structures:
There are three main groups of organizational structures:
Business activities: operating, investing, and financing.
Forms of organizational structures: functional, departmental, and matrix.
Types of organizational charts: hierarchical, flat, and matrix structures.
We can see various legal organizations worldwide, including corporations, governments, non-governmental organizations, political organizations, international organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, educational institutions, etc.
Organizations have management methods (themselves, external ties to their surroundings, and management of their resources, processes, and risks).
Management methods thus affect the organization's planning, organization, and performance.
There are different standards of organizational assistance (economics, informatics, transport logistics, marketing and transport, communications) at our disposal.
We can see significant differences among organizations operating as manufacturing companies or services, institutions (governmental and non-governmental), and large multinational corporations.
However, organizational leadership and internal financial control have only marginal links to the issues of selection, management, implementation, and internal financial control related to the development of digitalization of project preparation and implementation (what is the grounding of this book).
3. Project's model
A clear and visual description of a future work's idea (proposal) can be described by any project. It can look very different in terms of detail and scope.
Some project models are tailored for a specific industry, a specific kind of project, or even a particular project.
A project model is a collection of rules and aids used for running a project. The project model is often graphically illustrated on a map. It helps provide a good overview and identify the different phases of the model.
We distinguish other models: conceptual, mathematical, visualization, statistical, and physical for the public, private, community, and hybrid environments.
Every project is unique, so we cannot have a standard structure to execute all our projects and succeed in these endeavors. Project management models or methodologies provide the framework to complete a project's tasks.
A framework tells you how often you'll meet and discuss the progress, how you'll document results, how you'll communicate, and so on.
There are many Project Management (PM) methodologies (e.g., Critical path Method, CPM, Critical Chain PM. Lean, Six Sigma Method, Extreme programming, Scrum, PRINCE 2, etc.).
PM serves different types of projects (e.g., design and plans for architectural or engineering plans; construction for building; computer software development for new computer programs; ICT projects and a vast spectrum of the infrastructural projects for all sectors of local, national, regional, and global economy, environment, and security projects and many others.
4. Process model
Process models are processes of the same nature classified into a model. Therefore, the process model describes the process at the type level. Because the process model is at the type level, the process is its instance.
The same process model is used repeatedly to develop many applications and has many illustrations. One possible use of the process model is to prescribe how things must / should / have been done instead of the process itself.
Objectives of the process model are:
Descriptive; the aim is to monitor what is going on during the process and to be able to choose the position of an external observer who looks at the way the process was carried out and identifies the improvements that need to be made to make the process work more efficiently or effectively.
Prescriptive, Normative; the goal is to define set required processes so that they should / can / can be performed and establish rules, guidelines, and patterns of behavior that, if followed, will lead to the required process performance.
Explanatory; the goal is to provide an explanation and justification of processes and to explore and evaluate several possible ways of acting based on rational arguments.
Other goals include linking processes and requirements that the model must meet and predefining points where data exists for reporting purposes.
Figure C10f.1 presents the "Sperm of the Procurement" idea and function in more detail via a model of a core (e.g., nucleus) and its surrounding layers (e.g., shell).
The core concentrates on catching the worldwide procurement's best knowledge and skill (data know-how).
Generally, any other essential branch (e.g., for other technology, economy, social, science, or policy segments) can apply the "core " principle.
The Sperm of Procurement is not nominated via global or local research studies results.
The webbook author's recommendation is based on his long-term experiences with project preparation and implementation in the developed and developing world.
Each critical operational component of the Procurement (e.g., business sourcing, purchasing, and payments) has its layer that is ready to interface contract connections on the "emitter and receiver" principle (more see Figures C4d, f, and C5c, f) in a broad spectrum of business services.
More see in Chapters D (the SPC Utility) and Chapter D (the SPC Drivers).
5. Data Model
The data model according to the revised ISO or ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards can be developed in ways such as:
Conceptual; a conceptual data model that describes the semantics of the domain is the model's scope. It can be, for example, a model of an organization's or industry's area of interest.
It consists of entity classes that represent the types of essential things in a domain and assertions about relationships about associations between entity class pairs.
The conceptual scheme specifies the types of facts or statements that can be expressed using the model.
This sense defines permitted expressions in an artificial "language" with a scope limited by the model's scope.
Logical; logical data model describes the semantics represented by a particular data manipulation technology. It consists of, among other things, table and column descriptions, object-oriented classes, and other tags.
Physical; data model describes the physical means by which data is stored. It applies to partitions of the Central Processing Units (CPU), tablespaces, etc.
The last Figure C10f.2 summarizes the goals and paths for the three statuses of the time influencer:
I. As-Is status (a field of a project opening)
It is a field (logic milestone) when it decides on a particular change in a specific area, in our case, preparing and implementing a future investment project.
It is a status (milestone) of truth that the Human accumulated before his/her project activities (as an individual, team, or collective).
It is his/her decision to start work on their future mission (e.g., on a professional study of an investment project).
It is a shot (a photo) of his/her status of thinking, behavior, and gaining knowledge before the new process (a film) starts.
The new process (defined as a project) has its timing principles from the start (As-Is status) to the end (To-be status).
II. Interim status (a field of a project running)
It is a period between As-Is and To-Be, when the changes are processed (e.g., project preparation and implementation).
It is when contracts and new commitments come to the table. New tasks exist and are accepted or not accepted, sometimes disappointed, neglected, or destroyed.
The project's owner (responsible entity) is bound to these primarily financial commitments until the deadline is finished.
It is a long-term ongoing process of running operations from the beginning to the end, usually grasped (swallowed) by top-down statistical methodology (when aggregated data miss the truth capacity of detailed data).
Correcting this scary situation can bring a distributed business (e.g., the proposed method of the technology Sperma and its implementation in the Unified Economy; both proposals are under theoretical discussion, e.g., on the web of
The time frame of the interim stage is a typical permanent effort to keep the balance of rationality and emotions in the brain of the Human.
It is about the will to look for the sense and sensitivity to respect and protect risks, not to destroy his/her values (an individual, team, and collective), take care of fair behavior, and brilliant knowledge) till the fulfillment of their vision and mission.
III. To-Be status (a field of a project closing)
It is a field (logic milestone) when it decides on the end of the action (mostly project). It is a time interval when a new work (results of a project) enters market operations.
When the project is completed, financially settled, and its function and operations (services) are running as was expected (false and negative results exist and have the potential of lessons learned).
It is a momentum of expectation when the project is starting to generate its own sources for the financing debt service of the new work.