Figures C10f.2 Proposed processes of the SPC Concept, and of Business in the GDT

Figures C10f.2 Proposed processes of the SPC Concept, and of Business in the GDT
Figure C10f.2 is commented via I, II, and III questions.It is the author comments to the advocacy of his optimistic view.
I. question for the As-Is status:
What is the chance to see a SHIFT of the Self-Powered Community concept in the future?
Reaction to a Goal's hierarchy:
Suppose the Self-Powered Community (SPC) apps are on hand. In that case, the Human and the New Project Paradigm (NPP) methodology will serve the traditional Project Management (PM) transformation.
It will be widely disseminated; then, the Legal Framework transformation will be successful and accepted by a majority on regional and global levels.
Reaction to Paths to the Goal:
If the Sperm of the Procurement services will offer a helpful service to the supply chains of both levels of the global and local markets, and education and skills services will offer new "styles" of assistance (to be involved in fundamental tasks in situ on the local levels), after that, local universities of the developing world will find the content of their independent existence in the local governance tasks.
Competitiveness gets the advantage of a new global policy consensus (under the UN administration) and the chance to unroll distributed operations in the environment of the global open market.
Leverage for the answer:
After the potential stakeholders accept positive impacts on the goals and paths of the SPC Concept, the real chance to execute the SHIFT according to diagram C10f.3a exists.
This opinion is supported by texts in Sections C6, C7, C8, and Chapters D and E. It is a mix of optimism and a realistic view of the present absorption capacity of the low-income provinces of the current world discussed in Capture F.
II. question for the interim status:
What is the real-life bringing for any SHIFT of the Human's business activities in the Great Triad (GT) environment?
Reaction to a Goal's hierarchy:
If the SPC Concept has a link to results of worldwide science, new technologies, and a new portfolio of the New Project Paradigm (NPP) apps will be on the open global market, then,
Unified Economy (UE) will start operating as a logical integrator of the worldwide digital effort of organizations and projects that need to enter the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) advantages.
It is about widely disseminating a new global language of apps of standard technologies used worldwide both for high and low incomes territories (e.g., in the As-Is status, high-income provinces will mining success, low- incomes provinces will send signals of a need for aid), then, the Legal Framework reaches the needed absorption capacity to serve the offer and demand of legal services in a universal standard model with high flexibility to keep order and prosperity on the open global market.
Reaction to Paths to the Goal:
Business is not Entertainment (or, more strictly: business is business, and Entertainment is Entertainment). If business stakeholders respect this rule, discipline means a common approach to technologies and nothing more.
Similarly, the control of risks implies nothing more than having all critical processes under public control. Then, thinking about the goal makes sense.
For example, the Ranking Costs are about prioritization, competition, cooperation, and other extra business activities linked to the Great Triad environment. That all needs to be presented and explained.
It is about how the Human understands his/her ability (of a person, team, or collective readiness), and the sense for fair play in communication with machines, etc. Real globalization (as a universal system) is not too widespread. For someone, it is a bad word.
But, in any case, globalization (with other assumptions and risks of the Human staying in the Great Triad) is the central theme (generally, we talk about simples of this phenomenon like climate change and earthquakes, COVID, wars, etc.). The present level of the human population needs new thinking theories (e.g., Algorithm Framework Theory).
The Business activities of the present generation gain new impulses for new thinking and inventions. For example, how to manage business sources concerning influences of the relativity of time in a fuzzy environment of the present world. The Galilean Relativity was waiting for its acceptance for hundreds of years.
The next step was the general theory of relativity of Allbert Einstein. It is a product of physics and mathematics sciences; a simple summary is about time, space, and the principle of gravitation. These three elements form the core of this big theory.
Answers to these questions should inspire anyone to love the synergy and integrity of complex tasks. It is for those with a sense of a balance between the creativity of concepts and patience for details. (very simply, it is about the return of the Human to Nature, and no matter that he/she will have a computer on hand).
Creativity and patience form a strong polarity that uncovers the truth that new technologies can bring success and sustainability to the human society in the Great Triad (if the Human does not destroy this chance themselves through his/her selfish behavior and hick thinking.
Leverage for the answer:
After the potential stakeholders accept positive impacts on the goals and paths of the SPC Concept, the real chance to execute the SHIFT according to diagram C10f.3a exists.
This opinion is supported by texts in Sections C6, C7, C8, and Chapters D and E. It is a mix of optimism and a realistic view of the present absorption capacity of the low-income provinces of the current world discussed in Capture F.
III. question for the To-Be status:
It should be in human care, so such predictable success has its scaling methodology? What does a SHIFT mean in Transformations on the Global level; why is the UN role mentioned?
Reaction to goals and paths to them:
Suppose transformations of open market standards come through tasks like Procurement, the New Project Paradigm, the Legal Framework for business, and the development of a Unified Economy.
In that case, it can indicate that the Global Digitalization Transformation starts to operate together with education and needed skills dissemination.
Yes, it is a complicated diction, a set of tasks mixed, with plenty of fuzzy works for the Human. But not for computers and new technologies.
Therefore this contradiction of "the Human and the Computer" must be correctly explained at the global level.
Such as mixed operations, sizable international projects, big data operations, and strict instructions on the Human existence in the Great Triad (GT) environment are crucial tasks.
It is the most significant intellectual task of humans globally. It is impossible to solve it from a level other than the UN.
It is a fundamental condition of the truth about the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) and the momentum for the ranking costs of the co-existence of the Human with Nature on Earth.
The Ranking Costs of the existence of the Human with Nature on Earth start to be a painful new task.
Nature, Earth, and all around is a gift for the Human; it is not scalable and is financially free (concerning objects like Nature, Earth, and Sun). Such an economy is missing the owner.
If we say God is the owner, at this moment, we SHIFT ourselves on 100% of the emotional style of life, and the present economy is losing its sense in the Great Triad (GT) environment.
Money is an invention of the Human for scaling private wealth, power, and social positions of individuals, teams, or collectives. The public version of the present economy indeed offers a less measurable and suitable methodology.
It shares the economic operations (their public and private content) with the everyday life of living in the Great Triad (GT). More reasons exist why humans need the transformation of their being in the GT environment measured via their invention of money.
If this transformation is the goal, the path must start first, which is the crucial problem. If the Human needs a toy to start playing the game about his/her sustainability in the GT, then the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) is on the desk.
Such SHIFT demonstrates in Figure C10f.3. It all depends on the positions of observers in the GT (at the place of anyone in the GT).
The observer can see the power of the voter's majority and be ready to express (individual, team, or collective) requests on the quality of leaders (not generals) for such change lead (e.g., see Section C6).
The preparation stage of any big project is not a simple task. Still, when the agenda of the Global Digital transformation (GDT) is on the desk of the UN, all its agenda must get robust support from the world's comprehensive web portal.
In this new communication environment, the human population (as a partner of the GT environment) will get space to better understand the relativity of time content for any living as an individual, a team (e.g., families), and collectives (e.g., inhabitants of a specific town or province) in As-Is and To-Be stages of their life.
The first contact with the relativity of time brought Galileo Galilei, and the primitive (flat) view of the world disappeared.
Albert Einstein brought the following perspective on the relativity of time. We know more about the Universe and scientists like discussing the "Big Bang" issue. Gaining such knowledge is of great value; however, it is a risky game for still unadult Humans. We can destroy ourselves.
Nevertheless, we still have our Earth running around the Sun, and we better understand the biological content of Nature and how our life is possible.
In a link to this reality, it is a practical matter to remind the third level of the relativity of time. It is also an act of science, more biological, with influencers coming from the capacities of sociology and the psychological capacities of the Human.
It is the relativity of time of the existence of the Human (their time, space, and energy capacity) compared to the capabilities of Nature, Earth, and the whole Universe.
Dimension of this time relativity should penetrate the Human's brain directly and forever (if the Human aspires to sustain in a position of the predator of products of Nature on the Earth).
Religions call on Man to humble before God and all He has created. Similarly, science should find its distinctiveness of humility before what it reveals and what entangles into people's lives.
An understanding of the relativity of time is offered. The relativity of time of the existence of the Human is not only about the capacity of time; it is about the impacts of time on our behavior, thinking, and needs for survival in a specific place with a changeable environment.
In this context, human pride and arrogance sound ridiculous and are therefore so dangerous (for example, any warlord who is in or won a war stays at the As-Is stage both a hero or a killer, and in the To-Be stage is a warlord only a milestone of the running time).
The popularity of emotions has its historical roots, and emotions are still a priority for the business.
An example can compare the world's vast data and energy spent via the Entertainment of electronic games with the entire big data capacity and energy spent on science research (on a broad popularity scale).
The webbook offers a new view of things around us. It is about an observer in the environment of the GT.
Individuals, teams, or collectives can choose a dynamic form of view on any detail or system of what is now called the Internet of Things (IoT).
The hierarchy from the bottom up, from platforms, bearers of new perspectives and ideas realized through organizations and projects, and their stampede to digitization evokes an "animal" need to think about what the standard, unity, integrity, and synergy mean in the GT's; in the environment of observers.
On the opposite path, from the top-down direction, the Human should be gaining assurance that the chance to sustain life (anyone of individuals, teams, or collectives) is trustful and meaningful (e.g., via Dialectic Diagram and its acceptance of the motivation and navigating algorithms and cycle's).