Figure C2d. Triads, project chain and assumption for scaling and digitalization

Dialectic Diagram
Dialectics is the philosophy branch. The dialectical method is at the base of a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned methods of argumentation.
Dialectic resembles debate, but the concept excludes subjective elements such as emotional appeal and the modern pejorative sense of rhetoric.
The "Dialectic Diagram (DD)" results from the author's work on the SPC Concept and is widely used in his works and papers. The DD summarizes any multidimensional issue via its six critical elements in dynamic form. It offers two options (ways) of thinking about a concept, project, or object.
It offers two paths; one is short, most direct, and without deeper analysis structures of processes. The priority is time. However, this argument often obscures other intentions (from nativity to incorporating hidden advantages or defects into the project).
In the end, short casting will not reduce time consumption. Still, the whole project cycle can cause time slippages, overflows due to a poorly tuned strategy, and numerous hidden surprises during the project's preparation and implementation.
It is why I call this a short path – a naive path (for anyone naive).
The other is a longer path. The goal is to prepare and navigate the pragmatic approach in a realistic chain of milestones, packages of tasks, and following works packages; the reader can find more about milestones and packages in section D.
Dynamic protocol
Generally, the protocol is also a logical system of rules about the correct way to act in formal situations.
A dynamic chain of protocols mixes items of both triads through a hexagon structure. For example, steps to the goal and options of paths to a destination) into a logical chain of actions (rules) in two directions (short and longer ones).
Dynamic routing uses multiple algorithms and protocols. In this context, we are not talking about a dynamic protocol for computer and computer network applications but about supporting the logic and transparency of the processes we prepare for computer management. We want a clear overview of what computers do.
For the ICT environment, the most popular are Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).
The RIP and OSPF protocols are two of the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). Both are intensively used in computer networks to specify the best routes for data transmission.
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is one of the oldest routing protocols in service, whereas OSPF is the most widely adopted IGP for large enterprise networks. Network managers may face a dilemma when choosing between RIP and OSPF.
In networking, both RIP and OSPF have different roles. RIP is an example of distance vector routing for local networks. RIP works to deliver the whole routing table to all active interfaces. OSPF is a routing protocol for large enterprise networks.
Collects link state information from routers in the network and determines the routing table information to forward packets. OSPF protocol best fits complex networks with multiple subnets to ease network administration and optimize traffic.
Scaling is measuring and assigning the objects to the numbers according to the specified rules.
In other words, the process of locating the measured objects on the continuum, a continuous sequence of numbers to which the things are assigned, is called scaling (a continuum is something that keeps on going, changing slowly over time, like the continuum of the four seasons).
Scaling (in geometry) is a linear transformation that enlarges or diminishes objects. Scale invariance is a feature of things or laws that do not change if a common factor scales length, energy, or other variables.
Scaling (in-law) describes the functional relationship between two physical quantities that scale with each other over a significant interval. An example of this is power-law behavior, where one amount varies as a power of the other.
Scaling (in business) sets the stage to enable and support the growth of an organization (private or public). It means having the ability to grow without being hampered. It requires planning, funding, and suitable systems, staff, processes, technology, and partners.
Scaling (in the project) is a technique to standardize the independent features present in the data in a fixed range of a project. A project is defined as creating or modifying a specific product or service. The project has its algorithm and looks like a complicated matter till its algorithm is known. The reason is simple, any project (big or small) can involve unfamiliar technologies, new products, or unique solutions.
Scaling is a method used to normalize the range of independent variables or features of data. Data processing is also known as data normalization and generally runs during the data-preprocessing step.
It is the ability of a system or process to handle growing amounts of work or enlarge itself when required. Such resilience comes from establishing robust systems and procedures and establishing a solid knowledge base that makes prioritizing tasks easy.
Scalability refers to the ability of an application or a system to handle a massive volume of workload or expand in response to an increased demand for database access, processing, networking, or system resources.
Scalability is the property of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system. A scalable business model implies that a company can increase sales given increased resources in an economic context.
Scalability is an organization, system, model, or function characteristic that describes its capability to cope and perform well under an increased or expanding workload or scope.
Scaling Solar is a World Bank Group program that makes it easier for governments to procure and develop large solar projects with private financing.
It includes expert advice, fully templated documents, pre-approved financing, insurance products, and guarantees. Scaling Solar is developed in partnership with the Government of Denmark, the Government of Korea, the Government of the Netherlands, the Government of the United Kingdom, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 's Power Africa, and the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG).
Digitalization, Digitization
What is the difference between digitization and digitalization?
If digitization is a conversion of data and processes, digitalization is a transformation.
More than just making existing data digital, digitalization embraces the ability of digital technology to collect data, establish trends and make better business decisions.
Digitization is the process of converting information into a digital format. The result represents an object, image, sound, document, or signal by generating a series of numbers that describe a discrete set of points or samples.
Digitalization is when you use digital technologies to change an organization (in business, both private and public sectors) and new revenue and value-producing opportunities that are coming to be true. Digitalization can offer any organization (institutions, firms, enterprises) a competitive advantage. They can mostly do their business better, faster, and cheaper than their competitors.
The condition is that scaling precedes digitalization. Without scaling, it is only the digitization of existing agendas.
Digital transformation
Digital transformation means a radical rethink of how an organization uses technology, people, and processes to make fundamental changes in business performance, says George Westerman, a chief research scientist at MIT and author of Leading Digital: "Turning Technology into Business Transformation."
He asks a question, and he answers:
“If digitalization is also about changing business operations, business models, and even revenue streams and new business opportunities, then what is the difference between digital transformation and digitalization? As just mentioned, de facto many people use digitalization and digital transformation interchangeably, but it is not 200% correct to do so (I do it as well, however)”.
The condition is that scaling precedes digitalization. Without scaling, it is only the digitization of existing agendas. It is an example of one clever sentence coming from many expressions of experts on digital transformation:
"Digital transformation is the profound and accelerating transformation of business activities, processes, competencies, and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of digital technologies and their impact across society in a strategic and prioritized way."
Projects of the super package of SED, DRR, and HA operations bring great opportunity for new technologies implementation. The project's environment has the dimension of a Data Lake (DL).
A link to the Algorithmic Framework Theory (AFT) development enables analyses, processes standardization, and widely disseminating of the project's algorithmic characteristics for scaling and digitalization.
Figure C2d indicates the door for the proper growth and implementation of Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies. The most important is that the door will be open for specific projects of developed countries and small or small projects in any poor province worldwide.
Used dialectic tools (e.g., triads, hexagons) help readers think independently about the Project Phenomena (PP) added value to a specific state, province, district, town, or village.
The Dialectic diagrams (DD) help understand the scope of works that project scaling, and digitalization represent. We all need great humility to come to the goal and succeed.
The communication of activities (usually without formal and enforceable commitments) about digitalization projects (with enforceable material, time, and financial obligations) must be clear at the beginning of work.
Figure C2e reminds the principles of data and policy of the SED, DRR, and HA projects by the Dialectic Diagram (DD).