Figure C2f. The core diagram of activities and projects processing

An idea (a thought, belief, opinion, or plan).
Project Proposal
The Project Proposal is the initial document to present an internal or external project scope. Includes title, start and end dates, objectives and goals, requirements, description of the proposed solution, preliminary budgeting, and future yields.
Any task begins as an idea and ends as a project. Such a process is accompanied by many incentives and support. One of the best-known and highly effective supports is "Taskforce." It is a group (professional, influential, able) to enter the necessary changes and propose new tasks or procedures to meet the set goal.
The activities precede a project or can close without any specific result. They are linked to the idea and help understand and develop its content more deeply.
We talk about consultations, conferences, Summits, and other activities that generate new stimuli for the project's design in this context. There are more (different) activities than (specific) projects. Compared to projects, Activities have soft (often public outputs mostly linked to election periods).
IIn the broadest sense, the word "project" means any undertaking carried out individually or collaboratively and possibly involving research or design carefully planned to achieve a particular aim in a specific time and a financing scale.
This webbook is looking for the environment to identify and define a new "Project Paradigm" in the content and range of the Algorithmic Framework Theory (AFT) goals.
The result is the ultimate consequence of a sequence of actions or events in the project's life cycle. Results have qualitatively or quantitatively dimensions. Their outcomes include advantage, disadvantage, gain, injury, loss, value, and victory of the whole project cycle. Results link to a specific location and time of the project life cycle occurrence.
End of activity
The end of the activity is under discussion because it creates a new problem. It is a problem today when project preparation and implementation opportunities are on the desk (e.g., for projects focused on the development and security of urban and rural areas).
In summary, activities (not projects) at their ends take human capacity, time, and money. And many activities (not performed professionally) have no specific, proven, and sustainable results or have inferior results, mainly because they don't link to the surrounding activities.
They mostly have no correct, final, measurable ending. We can talk about activities that often do not continue (ending as a solo action) or insufficiently support the chance or emergence of the necessary projects.
End of Project
Project Closing has two levels. The first is the assurance that all the work is completed, verifying that all agreed-upon project management processes are closed. The second, worse, happens when the project preparation phase is underestimated.
Figure C2f opens a critical moment for understanding the difference between project and activity and the scope of scaling and digitalization of projects (indicating a spectrum of details). It is one of three pictures (C2f, C3b, and D2c) that present a general methodology on how to distinguish principles of "Activities" from "Projects." The reason is simple.
We must break down the present Ecosystem into segments with different approaches to spending money for activities and projects. The simple rules are saying:
Activities apply breakdown operations of financial flows in fuzzy structure and don't link sets of individual spending items with the itemized form of the general budget. Activities spending is challenging to control in the budget nominated for their framework of financing.
Projects have a stable structure with internal algorithmic behavior. They have a robust and scalable scope of its content, enable scalable timing, and financial break-down spending is also scalable.
Any activity can have its result and end but often without a scale of activity in the scope, time, and cost measures. Conversely, projects are fully scalable with each algorithm's long-time sustainability of the data package.