Figure C3b. Projects in globalization and studies and project scaling

Project process scaling (PPS)
In this sense, a project proposal is a document (a roadmap) that plans out the project's steps so that everyone involved understands what's entailed early on and can ensure they are working towards the same goals.
It is a plan or a suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration and consensus with others.
Project scaling covers processes of the whole project cycle linked to traditional tools and methodology.
The conventional approach represents, e.g., a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide); Projects IN Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2); Critical path method (CPM); Lean PM methodology; Six Sigma methods; Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM); EasyProject, etc. These tools apply in environments where a project is defined as a path to create or modify a specific product or service within a limited time and budget scope.
These tools are very sophisticated and helpful in preparing and applying needed analyses for project process scaling.
They can form all key algorithms describing project preparation and implementation stages of transformation processes. It is a strong base for any specific applications (see the proposed scope of services activities of the SPC Utility in the SPC Drivers data environment, section D, E).
The project has its algorithm and looks like a complicated matter till its algorithm is known. If a project is ready for "machines," its operations are simple, repeatable, and transparent. Please see more in section D; project preparation machines (PPM) and project implementation machines (PIM).
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a rational-oriented breakdown of a project into smaller components. Project Management (PM) and Systems Engineering (SE) are dominant users of this technique.
It is a key project deliverable that organizes the team's work into manageable sections.
WBS in project management is a valuable method for completing a complex, multi-step project. Breaks-down any task into smaller chunks means work that can be done simultaneously by different team members, leading to better project team productivity and easier project management. Every project needs a WBS, just like they have their schedules (timing) and budgets (financing).
A good WBS is essential for defining the scope of a project (see project triad: scope, time, costs). The WBS is a core logic tool and a significant input into the creation of the project schedule, budget, and risk plan of all projects, both preparation and implementation stages.
In the coming time of the digital transformation, the WBS method, which project engineers have mastered, is a logical link between their thinking and the structure of machine work.
In other words, when a machine completes a project design or prepares its implementation, the WBS method is a newly renovated tool for reading the result of the machine's work. The WBS method will serve the Extpost audit views of processes in which the participation of electronic applications will grow, and the picture on them will look more and more fuzzy than readable.
Digital Transformation Skills (DTS) in an organization
Digital transformation of an organization means a radical rethink of how an organization uses technology, people, and processes to make fundamental changes in business performance (says George Westerman, a chief research scientist at MIT and author of Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation).
Digital transformation (DT), as we are starting to use it today, is broader than present digitalization. DT requires more bridges to be built in an encompassing social, economic, and safety strategy.
Figures C4(b, c, d) indicate relations between organizations and projects. The demand for organizations to spend money for projects on investment (for any reason) is growing. Similarly, offers to sell good projects (as service packages mostly with subsidies from the public sector) are also increasing. These are good messages for the future.
Today, some people, mainly active in the document and scanning business, use the term digital transformation while they mean the digitization of documents or processes; however, a majority growing definition of digital transformation as an enterprise-wide phenomenon.
Figure C3b is one of three pictures (C2f, C3b, D2c) of how to distinguish principles of activities from projects as a general methodology and as a structure for project digitalization on the globalization scale. This Figure reminds the relationship between studies and projects on a general level.
Any analysis is closer to activities (see Figure C2f), and each project needs its specific set of studies on the opposite side. The world needs a complex structure of sustainable development and a safe environment.
This webbook presents a challenge for complex know-how; how to start work on the new project paradigm. The goal is to explain why, to begin with, small projects in an informal environment of provinces of the developing countries.
The following DD diagram offers two paths to one goal (from a common starting point As-Is). The first path is a short track (it's red) but naïve. The As-Is stage (mainly from a critical strategy milestone) is too risky to go directly to the goal (too fast at predicting a stage To-Be). Yes, it is immature (naive), but it happens very often.
The As-Is is a critical strategy milestone absorbing all historical experiences (yesterday and more). The most practical (smart) is a longer track (it is in green color).
We need to work on the DD when we want to describe our needs, present our opinion on the operation to someone else, or get reassurance about our ideas, which we can organize, structure, present and defend. It means to break down the whole process into individual elements (milestones), find ways between them and the path and goal, and put a clearer picture of what we want to do before us.
We are still moving in the same environment. Based on the present knowledge state (what we read, what we talked about with other people) and the need to look at the future changes, we want to find (create) a picture of this change.
We want to describe it, communicate it with others and prepare for its management, including gaining resilience to the risks of impacts that we, as participants in change, cause and strength to risks that appear over time. Time passes, and every change comes with it. We can do nothing more than take note of the changes. As we do so, we realize that every change has a beginning and an end.