Figure C3c.1 Model of thinking in operations (strategy, and tactical tasks)

Figure C3c.1 Model of thinking in operations (strategy, and tactical tasks)
Figure C3c.1 comments on this longer path in more detail in this way: if you know (predict) what you want (d), you have to prepare a statement for yourselves and others about what it is, what you want to reach (b), and after that, you can propose (to outline) the steps (plan, project) leading to the sources (skills, financing) for projects preparation and implementation (e) and motivate all "stakeholders" to go with you to reach the targets.
It would be best if you motivated (encouraged) them (c) to do what was asked. No path is simple, so navigation support is an important task (f).
Navigation is a proper tool that can lead all to a common goal without unpleasant commitments (to be OK and safe at the To-Be stage).