Figure C3c.2 The cycle of the As-Is and To-Be in steps on a path to the Goal

Figure C3c.2 The cycle of the As-Is and To-Be in steps on a path to the Goal
The diagram in Figure C3c.2 allows us to assign content to the change in the same structure to develop further, modify, and renew. Thus, change can acquire content and become an image of what change means and what we can expect.
We get a picture that we can present, discuss its content and, in summary, take care of the growth of its quality (the state of its comprehensibility, use, and evaluation). For such a perception of change.
Figures C3c.1, 2 offer us a procedure for defining the goal of change and how to prepare (know, understand) the path to the destination. The diagram says that the shift ends in the future (To-Be).
If we want to know about the change, we must participate in the identification of differences. We should know how to motivate ourselves to participate in such a transition.
The standard form of DD encourages people who speak different languages; despite it, they know what they want and find a common understanding. Diagram DD helps them work and complete the necessary consensus for their decisions.
Figure C3c emphasizes that change begins in the present when our knowledge and our past life practice end. Equipped this way, we start the journey we have found (defined, described, illustrated) in time (As-Is). Equipped with capacity (knowledge, money, health, etc.), we will enter the change process.
We need navigation to get to our destination. We obtain this through task evaluation (fulfillment of the tasks we have set for the goal) or having the luck set all in order. Every improvisation will change the image of change and distort its form.
Diagram DD protects us from lawful confusion as the number and complexity of tasks grow. Therefore, there is no need to wait for such a situation to hit us. It is naive to rely on "trial-and-error" methods.
If we do not want to let the losses (caused by changes in the part of the project in question, time slippages, or rising costs) hurt us, we will have to apply new tools and find new applications for people's participation processes.
Figure C3d analyzes a segment of the short (naive) path from milestone (d) to target (a). It is the basis for the following three diagrams (C3e, C3f, C3g).
It is a pragmatically built path: if you know (predict) what you want (d), you have to prepare a statement for yourselves and others about what it is, what you want to reach (b), and after that, you can propose (to outline) the steps (plan, project) leading to the goal (e) and motivate all "stakeholders" to go up these "stairs" with you to the common goal.
It would be best to encourage (motivate) them (c) to go with you and do what is asked. No path is simple, so navigation support is an important task (f). Navigation is a proper tool that can lead all to a common goal without unpleasant commitments (to be happy and safe at the To-Be stage).
The Figures below present the general form of Dialectic Diagram (DD) broadly used in this webbook. Would you mind reading this diagram below yourself and thinking about its construction linked to the detailed DD function explained by the following Figures C3 (c, d, e, f)? All four charts reflect and verify the versatility of a proposal of graphic assistance.
Diagrams DDs are flexible to react to any stage of project needs; identification, preparation, implementation, and evaluation (use) of results that the project can bring to a society of action people living in a specific locality and using their domestic language.
Leading (integrating) language for any DD is in this webbook English.