Figure C4d. Model of organizations and projects in a digital transformation

(e.g., enterprise produces products)
A product is an article or substance manufactured or refined for sale. Product characteristics mostly predetermine the branches of production (individual producers).
Production in organizations brings new products for Human consumption. It "feeds" the growth of human waste in Nature on the Earth and the near Universe very fast.
(e.g., the institution provides services)
Services are the non-physical, intangible parts of the economy instead of goods we can touch or handle.
Services such as banking, education, medical treatment, and transportation make up most of the economies of the present world.
Humans try to apply gained know-how in services in favor of Nature to decrease (regulate) human damages in the Great Triad (GT).
(e.g., enterprise or institution is ill and needs treatment)
Bankruptcy (e.g., an enterprise or institution is sick and needs treatment). When an organization cannot honor its financial obligations or pay its creditors.
When a petition is filed in court. All the Company's outstanding debts must be set and paid out.
It is a dying stage of products and services that we cannot omit - this moment in any organization's life cycle when spent money and planned yields are better to protect.
Therefore, Bankruptcy's impact on the local environment is the most painful task. It is why Bankruptcy presents on the same level as products and services.
An organization in Bankruptcy (any factory for products or services) still has the potential to be helpful.
On the other side, it is a threat to turn into local waste. Therefore, the same care is helpful to devote to health and illness organizations.
Bankruptcy is a specific, challenging time and must not be staying at the edge of economics and social interests.
Lock Down
(e.g., impacts of the pandemic, climate change, or local was)
It is a lively topic today, full of new problems and challenges. Past pandemics, all kinds of pandemics, and today especially COVID 19 pandemics, and the growing number of mutations are bothering people, damaging their organizations, and limiting the growth in the quality of projects around the world.
Similar effects generate impacts of climate change and local wars.
The synergies of these impacts are critical, affecting all countries, but the poorest and most numerous have problems with their security. Indeed, all world states need money, and world economics needs to gain the skills to work with them.
We all must participate in it and break out of the network of these effects. A new economic tool has appeared for organizations and projects – LockDown.
Its applications have various forms with the area and local scope. Their goal is to learn to work with financial reserves, create flexible funds, and allocate them judiciously according to needs (disaster response) and balance (response to average sustainability and survival principles for the critical stages).
Mastering these new assignments is aided by disseminating new technologies (e.g., new databases and smart contracts) and relatively enough global IT (digital) sources for quality education.
Investment in sustainability
Traditional investing delivers value by translating investor capital into investment opportunities with risks commensurate with expected returns.
It should be sustainable investing in balancing conventional support with environmental, social, and governance-related tasks (e.g., link to the UN, Sustainable development goals, SDG).
Investment in the sustainability of the Human in the GT represents SED, DRR, and HA activities and project performances around the world. Investment in sustainability represents the most comprehensive view of project processes, preparation, and implementation methodology in any branch or locality.
The goal is to look for the paradigm of project operations. The path leads projects to their destinations (goals) on the level of integrity defined as packages and milestones of SED, DRR, and HA activities worldwide.
Maintenance of Investment in sustainability
Maintenance is the process of maintaining something or somebody. It may mean the state of being supported by existing organizations (institutions, private enterprises, public services, etc.).
The term also refers to different types of assistance, primarily looking after somebody or something financially.
Maintenance and rebuilding of assets of SED, DRR, and HA projects are an integral part of global investments. Both are segments of Human development, safety, and sustainability in the Great Triad (GT).
Sensors can detect any physical element. Generally, a sensor consists of an emitter for emitting data and a receiver receiving mainly light data.
Light Data is data that an organization collects and effectively uses to make decisions. Security reports, survey results, data structured for reports, current files in use, current employee data, and other data if leveraged for business decisions are all examples.
The model of this Figure distinguishes the two sensors' orientations. The upper three are focused on the internal operational tasks of an organization (on business, its risks, and competitiveness).
Bottom layer sensors of the exact Figure react offer or create their demand on SED, DRR, and HA projects. All have links to a spectrum of the organization's dimensions (micro, small, middle) and their functions (production, services, or their temporary stage in bankruptcy).
Figures C4c and C4d images present an abstract idea of the matrix of organizations and the SED, DRR, and HA project package.
Finding and using general principles of agreement (form) of standard structures of both groups is a task for professional specialists in Informatics, Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), psychology, sociology, and emerging theories.
The logical integrator of this effort should be the Algorithm Framework Theory (AFT) initiatives and its growing framework.
An example of the path to a standard solution presents in Figure C4d. It designs two sensors for research, scaling, and digital transformation: outer (a green environment) and internal (a blue background).
The outer ones include research tasks related to preparing and implementing SED, DRR, and HA projects. The inner ones concern the organizations' problems (business support, risk management, and competition management).
Organizations and their traditional focus on success (especially profit) from production, services, and work complement two specific states that any organization can enter at any time.
These are bankruptcies (a historically known state) and a lockdown, a newly emerging state associated, e.g., with the COVID-19 pandemic.
In any case, the Human fills his space in GT with a rapidly growing number of sophisticated and refined organizations.
It is not easy to find your way in this ever-accelerating process, and it is not easy to comment on the position and future of the Human in the GT environment.
The very assumption that each of us understands the role of our place in the GT so profoundly so that we all can discuss it sounds naive.
Even though the GT model fully respects the basic principles of current knowledge.
The problem is not that there is a lack of knowledge. Today, we all lack integrity and team cooperation in preparing and implementing projects for a more profound understanding of our position in the GT (in all its complexity).
The practical use of the GT model is allowed via a function of observer. The observer is not in a position of the evaluator but a person who can express his opinion within one common, sufficiently broad platform.
It is a way for people to exchange views (attitudes, knowledge) on any topic in a set structure of scaling the acquired content with the possibility of digitizing the obtained data (information) and the recognition processes.
The observer cannot be an evaluator. No one cannot do it themselves (none of us has the necessary amount of data obtained in a sufficiently large space).
An observer watches or pays attention to something that can see, hear, or feel. The Great Triad (GT) observer is not an evaluator-discussant critic (someone who prefers discussions).
He/she is in the position of a renaissance person to absorb information to gain a chance to improve their personality.
The new quality is measurable and scalable via added value gained from better character (e.g., to a product, services, or a performed work), not from his/her participation in discussions on evaluation, criticism, politics, or religion.
On the other hand, each of us can be a researcher who obtains and works with the necessary data. It is an opportunity to come to terms with the context that would help us (to the present generation) better understand the role of (fuzzy) processes around us.
E.g., understanding the set of human organizations and projects in the GT or helping answer a question: "Why should I comment (appreciate) such contexts.
The answer is simple again, but its impact is a warning. Today, ecology (environmental care) has gained global acclaim, and people, media, politicians, and experts talk about it.
But, still, a lack of knowledge capacity and intolerant behavior does not open the way to the success of the global digital transformation. If motivation and navigation are missing, the problem can be seen as follows.
Motivation has the potential to describe many things. For example, which segment of the development is needed, what we should do to be safe, and how to stabilize the Human position in the GT. How to build and enjoy life.
It indicates the path to stabilizing the Human situation in the GT (in space, on Earth, in Nature, and within his genetic chain).
Navigation follows motivation. Navigation is an offer of Nature and the Earth, which have their existence based on their rules (laws). The Human has the needed guidelines (templates) for his/her adaptation (sometimes already transformation).
As a new and temporary partner of this triad, the Human must learn to know the environment in which he is, and if he wants his rules (laws), he must set them himself.
Anybody of us is in the observer role. Observers can communicate, build their own rules, avoid conflicts, and grow. To prevent disputes among people and not create conflicts with Nature and the Earth.
Concerning the Human reasoning capacity, the partnership in the GT can have this allegory:
The Earth is the role of the grandfather or grandmother.
Nature plays the roles of both the father and mother.
The Human position is a role of a child who believes in grandparent and parent love.
It should be why people need the GT model. It offers them a platform to build knowledge of where people belong and behave.
These are the main challenges of how to work with the GT model. The assignment is clear. Simplify (integrate) processes around yourself and all of us, life society on the Earth.
First, it means to ensure transparency for all Humans to be interested in their existence, primarily through goods and services and growth regulation of their waste and impacts. And now it looks like a simple task if the Internet services reach maturity.
And in parallel, the Human must be interested in preparing and implementing the multifunctional SED, DRR, and HA project package with the needed diversification of safeguarding of the Human).
What do we need in this sense? The understanding of solving the interface of enterprises and projects objectively. To be pragmatic and change our behavior and thinking.
To weigh the impacts of what we are doing in the environment of the GT. Better understand what the content of the word "peace" means. E.g., for the Universe, the Sun, and the Earth and its Nature, including the Human.
To ensure transparency for all those interested in their existence (primarily through preparing and implementing the multifunctional SED, DRR, and HT project package with the needed diversification of safeguarding of the Human).