Figure C4e.4 Supply and demand sides of organizations and projects chains

Figure C4e.4 Supply and demand sides of organizations and projects chains
Figure C4e4 summarizes the above into organizational chains of products and services, separately for suppliers and customers. A chain of project cycle operations supplements it. This diagram concludes with the considerations and ideas associated with Figure.
Figure C4e focused on the business phases of organizations in the market and on organizational project scaling for digital transformation needs in steps by Figure C4e.1,2,3,4:
Identification of the Interface of object-oriented organizations and projects and their scaling for digital transformation operations.
Data Lake model proposal for organizations and projects aimed at identifying Human behavior in a hierarchy of three levels (Space, close Universe, and Earth-atmosphere, continents, and sea).
Supply and demand sides of organizations and project chains testing on the Data Lake model.
Figure C4f tries to structure and find feasible tasks dealing with the relationship between organization and project for business goals. It is a system solution on a higher general level. Their content lies in the cooperation of existing organizations with available intellectual and financial potential.
Every year, the Human invests in huge volumes, in projects, mainly within the SED, DRR, and HA package). It is necessary to ask what is happening with this synergy, effectiveness, efficiency, and economy.
Every year, the Human invests in huge volumes, in projects, mainly within the SED, DRR, and HA package). It is necessary to ask what is happening with this synergy, effectiveness, efficiency, and economy.