Figure C5b. Hierarchy of goals of the Human sustainability

Figure C5b. Hierarchy of goals of the Human sustainability
Figure C5b presents a model of the hierarchy of goals, offers paths, and suggests the risks of solving them in a common framework of three triads on three levels. Global (international), National (inside regional or national), and Local (urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the province). The model distinguishes three levels:
The Great Triad (GT) is a state of As-Is (as the Human, we all know our position in the Universe today: from pure religion to the findings of modern science).
Task Triad (TT) as a state of To-Be (what we can do so that we do not lose our position in the GT too soon, to be ready to protect the ecosystem of our planet step by step with an intellectual capacity building for the success). The TT is adapted for the specific case SPC Concept. Another option is TT composition as Global Digital Transformation, Organizations, and Projects (Chapters 8 and 9).
Project Triade (PT) as a state of Vision-Mission (what we do, what we need to improve, and what to start doing entirely differently). PT summarizes a hierarchy of triads into the reality of one package of SED, DRR, and HA projects in situ (of a specific territory - urban, peri-urban, and rural areas).
However, this is not an academic trick. It is a way to balance religious (emotional) madness and practical (intellectual) life, a tedious lifestyle for many. All that remains is to add this: if trust and solidarity between people are the main ways to deal with the accumulating problems, then such a recovery process must occur on the UN platform.
The text of this paragraph supplements the table below that distinguishes the items (objects) in question. It sets the directions (vectors) of paths leading from generality to details, especially data, to a large amount of data that could move, disseminate, evaluate, and integrate using the internet.
This international communication should navigate and integrate education and readiness of the Human life in the GT on the rectories of all three levels (global, national, and local).
Digital transformation is not possible without these steps.
Levels |
Scope |
Time |
Costs (a non-financial effort to completion of a project) |
Global Level |
Sustainable life as an idea |
Immensity, Infinitude, Faith |
In large "space" projects, we can't compete in a large (infinite) environment. In big projects, in an enormous (endless) setting of the GT, people can't work with money the same way they use it with themselves (business, investment, self-interest). Money is a human invention; neither Nature nor the Earth nor the Universe needs money. Yet, humans need to get to know this environment and move around it better and safer. There are three ways to motivate people to do big projects. One is about material wealth (e.g., gold, a house, everything I desire to have around me), and the other is connected with the desire to know what is around me. These two paths go in the same direction. They intersect and complement each other differently. These are Man's journeys in the Great Triad (GT), and it's still true that other partners in the GT do not know what money is. Only Humans need them and accelerate using them in history and plans. But there are also different situations. For example, if there is excessive human-produced waste at sea, we need big money to dispose of it. But we know that neither Nature nor the Earth contributes with any money. That's why it's important to understand money. There is a significant risk that the high cost of such waste disposal will destroy all theories about finance, and the Human begins to lose their position in the GT permanently. Those standing behind the knowledge about human invention - money- should stop doing fog and feed questions; who will pay for it all? Fortunately, there is a third path. It is the humility of the Human in the GT. It is an answer to who will pay for it and how to get out the human population of this abyss. Humility kills selfism and supports the reason that gets space for growth. It is what the present Human needs. |
National Levels |
A concept in our hands |
Star up for two-three generations |
There are many concepts, and they all have their standards. When we want to change one of them and adopt its standards (with a piece of knowledge at the beginning of the journey), we must prepare and implement a portfolio of projects, evaluate their results, acquire new tools, and ensure that all projects run in an exemplary manner. After that, we can get to the concept we want to reach or change (at the end of this effort). |
Local Levels |
Sustainable life as a reality |
Tasks for a chain of generations |
Each generation in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas is part of a specific target group which is a part of the human population; of course, in global issues, about the Human position in the Great Triad (GT). Does the Human have such feelings such attitudes toward his/her problems Where is a platform for such thinking? Is it the UN? What does "we all and me" mean, e.g., in a family. Yes, a family is a good example. The individual family members are the final recipients of the family's decisions (from almost zero decision value to excellent, sustainable choices). Is a family model hope for the success of the digital transformation? |
The landscape's character helps define the people's self-image and the feeling of a place that distinguishes one region from others. It is a dynamic background of people's lives.
The impact of technology on the way of life in individual territorial units (e.g., provinces) is dramatically different. It is an image that any observer can see.
But one observer can see only segments of the whole. The complex view can offer only integrity (co-cooperation) the more observers (e.g., the content of the essential elements of the image concerning food, self-realization, and defense).
We can see these phenomena more and more clearly because people are meeting each other more and more and communicating intensively. How do we involve the observers' functions in the digital transformation?
The current satellite communications (internet) and the availability of transport and trans-regional movements (of people, goods, and services) constantly bring new impetus to changes to already established concepts.
The Internet is a beautiful communication bubble, and we should believe it will sustain and evolve. Today the Internet depends on the assistance of more than 2,000 artificial satellites from various (often mutually hostile countries with the potential for high risk of small and large war conflicts) corners of the world.
Organizations are the core influencers of life in the environment of a province. They impact climate change (e.g., on the extent of floods and the effects of earthquakes), on the origin and spread of epidemics (primarily through lifestyle hygiene and the ability of local people to discipline themselves concerning the principles of healthy Nature).
It is a complex set of data and various pieces of information.
Information varies (under the influence of the place of its sources and the purpose it serves) and, over time, will undoubtedly iterate to the interpretation of a common global framework.
It is different with data. The volume of data, generation, collection, and processing is growing. We speak of a fuzzy data environment. Related to this is the emergence of Data Lake or a departure from Data Silo. Data science is beginning to perceive a Data Mash, a new concept that has become one of the fastest-growing trends in 2020.
Figure C5b is a prelude to Figure C5c. It deals with what humans need and wants and how they get it from the GT. Yes, in summary, through its organizations. The Human all procures, manages, maintains, and develops through this manner.
Organizations change their behavior in their development or decline mainly under the influence of projects that organizations generate or accept (for more details, see Chapter C4).
The Human in the GT began to develop his/her organizations blindly (at the beginning, people knew nothing about the negative impact of organizations on inexhaustible Nature, and in those days, the Earth looked stable, except, e.g., an earthquake impacts specific localities).
Now everything looks different; all was changing during the stages of the industrial revolution (from the first stage to the current fourth).
The fast development has brought about fundamental economic and social development concepts: the disaster risks assessment and humanitarian aid solutions gain priority. The super package of projects SED, DRR, and HA was born (see Figure C4c).