Figure C5d.1a Budget model of organizations and projects in a natural environment

C5d.1a Budget model of organizations and projects in a natural environment
Figure C5d.1a recalls (to all of us) how to operate funds one uses. We understand that new technologies probably determine the next direction of financial development. For finance and capital management in banks (FinTech), processes in organizations, projects, and investments spendings (especially Blockchain, Smart Contract).
We all feel that all green and other funds (national and international) are insufficiently structured today (are non-scalable). And systemic global financial operations for both Part A (framework) and Part B (Processes) are mostly not usable (see Figure C1c.2 and C5d.1a).
The task of this recalling is to support Summits and other local, regional, and global sessions. Start working on specific proposals, plans, and projects that consolidate and fix the taxes in one principle, e.g., "Tax of the Human Sustainability."
This approach can help find the goals and paths to motivate better organizations and projects for the duty to pay the tax, e.g., "Tax of the Human Sustainability," and through global incentives, solve recycling of the most critical works of the Human.
It is about managing money, storing, and distributing (e.g., Disaster Risks Reduction, DRR, and Humanitarian Aids, HA).
It is for the Human internal needs (for well-being and safety). But, it is only a half of this story because we all (the present population and our children) have a common position and future in the Great Triade (GT).
The GT is a natural integrator of different philosophies, religions, and governments. It helps to build a better future for families of humans, for climate stabilization (e.g., protect the limit for temperature on the Earth, protect Earth atmosphere, protect Earth against risks of satellites, earthquake, protect Nature diversity, health, etc.).
The Great Triad (GT) should be the subject for top Summits, not as a thesis for discussion, but as a set of tasks for solutions. It is about this webbook.