Figure C5i. Vectors in a Data Pool (DP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) influences

In Data Science, the data is managed and analyzed using computer programming. Many programming languages are used now. Programming is entering the AI level, and IT specialists rely on project preparation and implementation agendas.
They indeed have the technological key for opening the door for the borning of the new project paradigm worldwide.
(Statistics and Probability)
We can manipulate the data in different ways to extract it. In Data Science, Statistics and probability have a significant role to play. It provides a way to analyze the numerical data in a large amount and find meaningful insights from it.
Mainly for such a big package like SED, DRR, and HA projects the S&P is a critical task.
(Machine Learning)
Machine learning has a very significant role in the field of Data Science. Artificial intelligence aims to make machines more intelligent by learning from the data by training them using various algorithms.
The devices follow the instructions given by humans and perform accordingly. It is what we are proposing to do by using machine learning algorithms for the SED, DRR, and HA projects package.
Machine learning allows computer programs to access and learn from the data (more details are in Chapter D).
(Big Data)
In today's world, the Human generate a massive amount of data. Data is a very critical element for organizations all over the world. But the problem arises when it becomes difficult to manage and handle the data using traditional techniques.
BD is a theme frequently discussed. A new data phenomenon will find (develop for itself) some definitions in a package of the SED, DRR, and HA projects.
(Data Analysis)
Data Analytics is a technique for data analysis. It is a larger picture of many different types of data analysis.
Any raw data can expose you to various methods of Data Analytics which can help you get insights that can improve things in many ways.
Data analytics uses multiple tools and techniques that collect the data, inspect it, and help transform the data to make it easy to understand and visualize.
The most critical task is data integration, simplification, and simple reading.
The SED, DRR, and HA project package is a solid opportunity to assist, e.g., current economy operations via relevant and adequate data (see comment to the Big Data).
(Internet Research)
In our daily lives, we search for various things over the Internet. For this purpose, we use different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc.
These search engines use data science techniques to improve the search experience and fetch the best possible results. The Internet has two parallel ways of its future.
One orientation is technological, and the other is coming directly to end-users. For this webbook, the most critical is the second path, access to the Internet for all world population.
The webbook proposes to start the SCP Concept operation in the low-income provinces anywhere around the world.
It is a big challenge for the SPC Concept and people's human future and sustainable position in the Great Triad (GT).
Figure C5i demonstrates relationships of several essential items: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Influencers of the Data Science (DS) operations on the Data Pools (DPs) level and the Data Lake (DL) of a package of SED, DRR, and HA projects.
With a link to available internet sources, the below presented list is introducing six influencers: PRO (Programming), S&P (Statistics and Probability), ML (Machine Learning), BD (Big Data), DA (Data Analysis), and IR (Internet Research).
Figure C5i is introducing strong tools for the global digital transformation and Human behavior adaptation into the GT environment. The most critical is the presentation of these options understandably both to experts and public communities.
Experts (politicians, scientists, lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, etc.) and the public (families, sports teams, clubs, the crowd on the streets, and individuals in any frame of mind) should be addressed in batches concerning their (As-Is) state and the priorities of data should be linked to future (To-Be) of the Human in the GT.
The inputs and outputs of such a project should be understandable to all, for both project stakeholders and end beneficiaries in low-income regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc.
Their counterparts with higher incomes (more prosperous groups) in the same locality (in a province, region, and globally on the whole world) are on the same level because everyone needs access to drinking water.
Strictly speaking, it is the solution for the biological stability of a healthy and safe population of the Human. We can compare it with COVID-19 impacts and additional global risks (access to drinking water is prevention, demand for vaccination is an action of a healthy life).
There are many initiatives and suggestions on how to solve the current problems. So far, they lack a sense for setting a strategy and grasping tactics so that subsequent operations to strengthen the position of Man in GT have impacts that would stabilize and maintain his place in the long run.
One of these initiatives is the SPC Concept and its presentation using the Task Triad (TT). This book introduces and defends the SPC Concept for further deeper elaboration.
TT is particular in its content. It presents micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as the actual content (subject) with which one should start working in the necessary style and work commitment.
It understands the simplicity and effectiveness of solutions, and deployment consists of understanding and mastering the algorithms that accompany problem-solving.
The third is the most critical triad, the Project Triad (PT). More, particularly about details of the TT, are in chapters D and F.
The above is related to the global digital transformation and finding a new project paradigm. Details in this sense are noted in the following Figures. Figure C5j.1 focused on the relationship of data associated with UN SDGs with organizations and projects in the global space.
The starting point for setting the steps for preparing and implementing the global digital transformation relates to the procedures offered by the SPC Concept.