Figure C6a. The Human Soules structure model

(Homo Sapiens)
A state of behavior where the soul of any Human seeks quality and safe life and ways to improve.
(Homo Diabolis)
A state of the behavior (be just a moment) where the soul of any Human arouses evil and hatred.
(Homo Humanus)
Soul of a humanist striving for sustainability and balance of the life between Nature and Humans.
(Homo Politicus)
Soul of an organizer of processes of human behavior, emotions, and manipulator of cognitive distortions.
(Homo Technicus)
Soul of the inventor of tools and mechanisms for an easier life on the Earth and in the Space.
Jana explained all this above in the narrative in Figure C7b, "Father and daughter in time."
In it, "... Jana was silent for a moment and said: "Dad, listen to this thought: Anthropologists observe and evaluate phases of human development over millions of years. Million years ago, our predecessors were Homo Habilis, then Homo Erectus, and about 100,000 years ago came Homo Sapiens. We are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. After 2050, there will be over 10 billion individual Homo Sapiens Sapiens. When we accept what the term 'Sapiens' means, i.e., "wise man," then all of us might say: "Wow! So many wise people, and since we are Sapiens Sapiens, it might mean "wise to the second power, M2." How will people and the whole of nature deal with that?"
The model situation (HS, HD, HH, HP, and HT) is presented in an optimistic spirit to support the reader's creativity and individual approach. Moreover, the soul is an impersonal object; the souls leaving out the Human body can also return as inputs into a model that transforms them into a specific tool of sociological and psychological knowledge of the actual situations.
In the link to the content of this webbook (the SPC Concept), the reader should distinguish between two actual views. One view belongs to the creators, all those who want to change the quality of life in their surroundings (e.g., in a province), and the second belongs to all who wish to learn in a new environment to move, enjoy, work and do business.
Life experience
It's still the same; one pulls the cart, and the other sits on and uses this advantage. The last modern example of this phenomenon is the mobile phone. Someone has to invent, produce, and sell the phone so that another person who bought the phone gets an opportunity to learn to use it. Yes, mobile phones with needed infrastructure are very complicated for users, but do not worry; all these complications are integrated and hidden inside your phone. You can use them for your personal needs and any business activities.
Paths for life
The primary criteria are if this Human seeks a safe life and the paths to improve it or if his objective is to spread evil and hatred. Both are coming into mind. And the example of a mobile phone is a good mirror both for the HS (Homo Sapiens) and HD (Homo Diabolus) souls and their team HH (Homo Humanus), Homo Politicus (HP), and Homo Techniques (HT).
It isn't easy to find a way. We know that direct evidence we cannot ever see. Indirect evidence, if we are not only looking for good and evil, we can look for via the principle of relativity (e.g., benchmarking or other comparisons) as an approach that will significantly increase the ability of an observer to orient ourselves in the environment of good and evil. But in any case, it is practical to pin such gained knowledge on a label. Labeling is widespread, and souls are suitable objects for labeling. The proposed model allows it without any personal conflicts and time loss.
In some critical details, analyses by this model can offer vital and reassuring functions. They are showing new knowledge and critical moments of changes in situational behavior. HS is an optimist and creates an environment for life. On the contrary, HD opines HS. They are opportunists (camp followers), and they can do good (e.g., promise a brilliant morning) and harm others (deliberately through something else, for example, through excessive consumption, etc.). Who knows why the Human reason manages better (destruction) and the principles that make up both personal and public order he/she does not like too much.
HS (Homo Sapiens) and HD (Homo Diabolis), together with Homo Politicus (HP), Homo Humanus (HH), and Homo Technicus (HT), complement (enrich) souls of the Human existence and his/her psychological and social views.
Both Spin and Matrix are tools of self-centered navigation of an observer (e.g., evaluator) of processes in a project and its environment.
We can only suppose that Nature (Earth and the Whole Space) have another "navigation," and such navigation like the Human (in a role of a new predator of Nature) they don't need.
They have different and a much longer-time evolutionary rhythm and their algorithms are unknown to the present generation. For example, against Nature's life span, the Human's life span is only a moment.
But in any case, it is good that the Human can perceive their will. So, the Human can see their (personal) selfishness and get into a state when they start incorporating these facts into internal thinking and their work (e.g., in project preparation and implementation).
HS and HD represent the souls of a form performance (e.g., of its moral/ethics dimension), and HP, HH, and HT contributed to the concert (performance) with their contents (via their knowledge capacity).
It is about the mental (cognitive) capability of recognizing a specific format (for individuals, teams, and collectives or crowds of people) and understanding the content (to think about what is perceived, discovered, or learned).
Cognitive processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, problem-solving projects and organizations' relationships, and referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension.
These are higher-level functions of the brain and encompass language, imagination, perception, and planning.
I know this is true from my practice as an ordinary designer and project team leader. I understood that sociologists' and psychologists' scientific work and practical experience naturally connect with other professions. I have also understood how building and advocating this interdisciplinarity is crucial.
I have also understood how building and advocating this interdisciplinarity is crucial. Demands for this approach are growing. In general, digital transformation needs interdisciplinary cooperation (including sociology and psychology teams).
Requirements for a broad utilization of machines in project preparation and implementation processes confirm it (see Chapter D). Figure C6b outlines the possible links between them (souls) and allows a look at their weight share in an individual or a group (e.g., at work, entertainment, etc.).
This model helps think, and it is not suitable for numerical quantification. It offers a personal assessment of oneself or another person or team (group of people) based on the observer's personal experience.
It is a tool for forming the observer's subjective opinion and personal attitude (e.g., in the role of an evaluator). By being built on an everyday technical basis (Matrix and Spin), everyone is a mixture of any mother tongue and can successfully discuss the state of individual behavior in a team.
The condition is that one of them is accepted as the principal, guiding the speaker using his/her excellent language skill to maintain the content of the discussion and the paths to the goals of the individual discussants.