Figure C6b. The Human Souls behavior matrix

Sociology is a social science that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life.
Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and human behavior's social causes and consequences. Allows investigation of the structure of groups, organizations, and societies and how people interact within these contexts (only for remembering).
Applied sociology has many areas of impact, including providing a method to evaluate the causes of problems, providing ways to study various social issues, such as the area in which the project package SED, DRR, and HA coexist with a natural social environment individual province (or worldwide).
Psychology is a science of an individual or group's mental or behavioral characteristics. There are four primary goals of psychology: to describe, explain, predict, and change behavior.
These objectives are like what anyone is doing as they interact with others (only for reminding). These tasks are for psychologists who use scientific research to understand better how people learn, interpret events, and make decisions. They then translate that knowledge into techniques to help people make more intelligent choices in their daily lives.
The broad and complex SED, DRR, and HA projects should increase the need for psychologists' participation. Developing specific templates for preparation, implementation, and usage of projects at the start-up works connected to the first pilot projects will be essential.
Cognitive psychology can help improve the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, and reasoning. To take care of the growth of the quality of the project's team and, in the broader sense, to integrate the knowledge levels of the project stakeholder's pools.
Cognition refers to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. Cognitive functions include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, problem-solving, risks understanding, and catastrophe philosophy.
It is a good and helpful chain of knowledge. These are higher-level functions of the brain that encompass language, imagination, perception, experience, and planning witch will leverage the project teams and stakeholders to take care of project quality growth.
Figure C6b notes that each individual and any group of people shows the tendencies of a mix of HS and HD.
For the work's success, especially the project, it is practical to estimate these forces for yourself (for your needs) and start learning to communicate about this phenomenon with others (preferably in your team or in the wider project environment).
If the project succeeds, such communication will help balance the ratio between HS and HD and regulate the HD influences in time. On the other hand, HD wakes up any "a tired sleeper" on the HS side.
Figure C6b reflects psychology and sociology impacts. Introduces the map of souls’ dominance and its internal ties as a simple structure of the Human internal behavior (his/her internal capacity for a specific action) or external behavior (his/her external presentation in a particular task solving).
The map offers a static approach to identifying (evaluating and assessing) the performance of a person or a team in real-time (as an observer sees it).
The neighboring matrix introduces the equation for weighting the share of souls in a mix of ties among souls. The equation offers a different (dynamic) view of the same situation (meaning of a person as an individual or a team member).
The matrix allows weighting the share of his/her performance from the 100 % total capacity. It can be performed separately by an individual or a team member. The aim is to understand the behavior of humans.
Each individual and any group of people shows a mix of HS and HD tendencies. For the work's success, especially the project, it is practical to estimate these forces for yourself (for your needs) and start learning to communicate about this phenomenon with others in your team or the wider project environment.
If the approach succeeds, such communication will help balance the ratio between HS and HD and regulate the HD influences in time.That it is not simple, we can demonstrate the relationship of the Human and its tool – computer.
It is about when a malicious soul (HD) shows spite of intentionally wanting to cause harm to someone via malicious software. HD (physical person) develops and disseminates a program or file deliberately harmful to computers, networks, or servers.
It is the most severe risk of the Global Digital Transformation, GDT project proposal (more see in the following text.
The following Figures bring dynamism into the souls' relationship, not in the time running but in the dynamics of change. Above all, the relationship between HS and HD is sensitive to differences, depending on individual souls' weight (arguments) and how they assert themselves in any process.
In this case, we discuss the Spin of Human Behavior in individuals or groups. Each of us has a soul of HS and HD.