Figure C6c.2 The spin of Human behavior – by physical or legal persons

Balance (Standard situation)
It is a state of equilibrium, equal distribution of weight, components, ideas, and quality, quantity. And mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc., a state of bodily equilibrium, etc.
The figure presents the balance between HS and HD. Each of us is a mix of both forms of human behavior.
Progress (Development)
Progress is gradually improving or getting nearer to achieving or completing something.
The medical community continues to progress against cancer, pandemics, etc. In the figure, the HS gains predominance (an individual, a group, a nation) against the HD power.
The following steps (future) look optimistic, even if both sides made little if any progress towards an agreement.
Regress (Threats)
A threat is a statement indicating that you will cause harm to or create negative consequences for someone, significantly pressuring them to do something or not to do something.
Many threats involve a promise to physically harm someone in retaliation for what they have done or might do. In figure C8b, the threat gets a broader dimension.
IIt is about a disaster that a Human causes to other Humans (compare it with the content of a natural catastrophe).
These catastrophes are not only about individual murder. It is about the preparation for the murders of people through nuclear, chemical, or biological wars.
These are preconditions for souls. None of us can see into the soul of others, and we can only believe that nobody sees it directly. We see only human behavior, reflecting his/her soul and response to specific situations.
Suppose we have a soul model and evaluate the Behavior we see. In that case, we are on the way to obtaining data and creating the necessary image through them for both specific situations and essential forecasts. But first, we must set adequate assignments assuming that such thinking is accessible to anyone who can think.
The Spin model proposes an approach to analyzing the soul of individuals or souls of a team, collective, or crowd and weighing the diameters of a soul (souls) in an object in a specific state of its Behavior.
This approach can help in situations where it is necessary to find out who is around, in my team, in a group (which individuals are around me).
Or can help us think about what impacts the team's work in the project (e.g., what does have a long-term effect on the project's development or how to name this, understand it, grasp it, and act). It is enough to think about the behavior matrix.
The Spin is a model that serves any "observers" in any triad. It helps them derive behavior states such as an individual, team, small or large group of people in the project process and its surroundings. Spin is not about finding (identifying) risks for specific situations.
Spin can assist in mapping the path to the destination, with the possibility of identifying sources of risks and looking for the fault (failures) in any location.
Spin can be helpful in the identification of soft findings that we can take as stimuli for further, e.g., more detailed analyses.
The Spin reflects "observer" feelings, so these findings cannot be accepted as valid data and used for direct calculation.
Similarly, each group of people shows the tendencies of HS and HD. For the work's success, especially the project, it is necessary to estimate these forces for yourself and others in advance and learn to regulate their ratio towards the HS if the project succeeds. On the other hand, HD wakes up any "sleeper" on the HS side.
This Figure distinguishes psychology and sociology impacts. The first (HS, HD) is innate character traits (primarily negative, quarreling, intolerance, slander, etc.), and the second is different, positive. Sociology's impact depends on an individual or professional team's intellectual content and knowledge capacity.
When we move from the world of souls (hints) to the real world (conflict solving), we can similarly describe actors' roles in this story. First, we distinguish the human behavior of an individual (in a wide range of his assumptions and interests).
Subsequently, when the individual asserts himself in the team (within the scope of work on the project) and finally when the project team is in the public's interest, people express their relationship to the project (e.g., through Public Hearings, Citizen's Charter).
Everyone involved in the project goes through a multidisciplinary process. This process is complex, and it does not matter whether the individual is aware of its complexity or not.
That's what probably everyone realizes when he/she stops entering the project according to their ideas, but according to the pre-set algorithms of the machines used for the preparation and implementation of projects (for more details, see Chapter D).
Figures C6d.1, 2, 3 address any influencers of interdisciplinarity in terms of perceiving the progress of the Human through projects.
It pays attention to the Human individual assumptions to absorb project complexity (e.g., myself as an influencer). To control tasks and risks of project progress (e.g., SED as an influencer) and analyze the Human's knowledge and behavior in the GT environment (e.g., the social, economic, and safety order as influencers).
Figure C6d.1 presents a view of the Human and his efforts to make progress over time. The Progress Diagram describes a structure of assumptions for fulfilling tasks and changes in behavior in a specific environment's social and economic order.
The time on the x-axis introduces the interval of beginnings, ongoing processes (efforts for progress), and end (impacts of these efforts). The timeline y represents the millennium scale.
The Paradigm Shift of Figure C6d.1 usually moves upwards when the force of a positive change is large enough. It means that the whole package of tasks (by the New Paradigm Diagram) is entering a new quality.
The preconditions for change are fulfilled, new jobs are solved, and the social climate is changing (a different social and economic order is created, forced by new relationships).