Figure C6d.3 The tasks and risks of the Human

Figure C6d.3 The tasks and risks of the Human
Figure C6d.3 offers a different perspective. It is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and views these goals as an opportunity to define a segment (spectrum of projects) that can go to their ends through the SED, DRR, and HA projects.
The dialectical diagram (DD) illustrates the paths to the goals through a Triad of Risks (Risks of Progress, Hazards, and Catastrophe).
DD recalls that the short, direct track of human community progress does not lead to Social and Economic Development. On the contrary, it emphasizes the need to go a long way through acquiring risk reduction skills (DRR) and learning to manage Natural Hazard through a flexible and effective implementation of Humanitarian Aid (HA).
The threats of disasters exist, and current examples demonstrate the need for the Human to be ready to face these influences (atmospheric disturbances, magma activities, growing globalization, and associated pandemics).
It is again a turning point in the existence of the Human in the Great Triad (GT). It is a new paradigm of his behavior, a paradigm shift to a new Earth's Human Social and Economic Development.