Figure C7a.2 Model of a distributed systems on global and local levels

Figure C7a.2 Model of a distributed systems on global and local levels
The popularity of distributed systems growth directly links to the growing needs of the global digital transformation. Generally, the distribution structure is based on experience with today's central and decentralized approaches.
It is a model of integrity and has logical content to shift philosophy and religion close to the public. The distribution structure can represent digital world performance and new political power.
In any community, people with similar interests organize joint events, prepare and implement projects on their territory, and have common frameworks for their initiation and support.This environment receives, generates, and maintains a certain amount of data that characterizes the community.
The data are in stories about, read, and spread through local social activities, covering various topics. The physical and legal independence of the local population has direct bearers. They are mainly citizens (anybody and any family of the province), natural persons (usually entrepreneurs), legal entities (primarily micro, small, and middle enterprises), and personalities join with them.
The distribution structure utilizes experiences with today's central and decentralized approaches. It is a model for making philosophy and religion accessible to the digital world and its interpretation through political force. An example is the changing views on new technologies and the risks of their misuse (mainly nuclear or biological weapons).
The observer in the GT space can see how such sparkler's effects on the Human are ridiculous and dangerous for Nature and Humans.
Any case, for the healthy existence of life, it is a dangerous game. Therefore, it is better to eliminate the scope for abuse of these fatal risks (e.g., via the UN and the existing policy power).
The question is, how? But such a difficult question can have a simple answer: do what you are doing, but in a better way - respect science, predict significant faults, and control both (As Is) and (To Be) via your behavior.
The distribution structure is not a piece of cake. It starts as a model, making philosophy and religion accessible to the digital world and forming a new political force approach. An example is the changing views on new technologies and the risks of their misuse.
The distribution draws on centralized and decentralized models' excellent practice to link critical players (producers, service providers, and clients) and opens entrenched commercial practices for new technologies. So, it shifts the wide ad-hoc data publicity into the level of open global business platforms and pushes speculators and fraudsters out of the market (e.g., with the advent of Blockchain and Smart Contracts).
It opens new opportunities for new technology development and growing markets (e.g., the preparation and implementation of projects with participation of AI/ML, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Projects aimed at disseminating production, supply, and other services in the newly emerging distribution environment (e.g., in detail, the offers the proven good coexistence of energy networks with solar panels participation).
A specific example of a distribution approach is the SPC Concept. Its SPC Utility offers low-income territories a new investment order (new global rules). In parallel, it is an investment challenge to those with investment sources and business motivation to participate in the growing global market (not only via speculative manners).
Building trust to participate in such ventures is hidden in the SPC Drivers projects, which focus on expanding the range of distribution systems services and increasing efficiency related to a particular environment's conditions (especially in a low-income territory, in provinces). And with the motivation of any prosperous partners on the global open market.
The reader will find more detailed information in Chapter 6 and the following text and figures. These chapters leverage (support) psychology and sociology views on the global digital transformation and offer some ideas.
Let's go back to finding a diamond (value) with properties close to us. It is impossible not to see the circumstances that offer a unification of the view of inanimate and living objects in terms of their evaluation and protection against fraud in the property and misuse of the values they represent. The data collection, management, and dissemination give sense and needed communication content to find such a value.
The GT is a suitable environment for such activities. It comprises three objects with a massive variance of time scales and criteria for evaluating resilience and vulnerability. In addition, each object has its specific environment and influencers (see, e.g., Figure C1b.1, Figure C1b2). How can an observer in the GT identify the object (thing) with the name "Human"?
It is not a simple task. The observer sees self, friends, parents, children, and many other individuals, teams, and collectives in different positions and activities, nice or ugly looking.
The observer role is mining a broad spectrum of data and needs a simple methodology for the first, rough estimates and sorting (e.g., for the start-up of scaling). It is a world of data collection of living people on levels As-Is and To-Be.
It is not monitoring Human history. Any observers see the potential for the "Paradigm Shift," and from this base, can estimate the To-Be value of the Human in a specific time structure. What does the observer have at his disposal? How can one address his/her generation in changing the behavior of the Human in the GT?
For example, any observer can use a virtual model and divide the object "Human" into the world of souls (see Chapter 6, e.g., Figure C6a.). The observer has on-hand souls (HS, HD, HH, HP, HT). Can perceive their restlessness (Spin of behavior) and know the procedure of how souls’ pair themselves into a static or dynamic disciplinary matrix.
They can see what the "Paradigm Shift" means for a given situation on display. It is a game that is not addressing anybody in a direct way.
Finally, the observer will have a better position to transfer what he/she sees into actual three classes (Figure C7a.3):
Individual or legal person.
Teams, collectives, or organizations (institutions, companies).
Crowds of people or herd of individuals exclusive of reason (in critical disasters or war situations).