Figure C7a.3 Observer’s hierarchy view on the Human behavior

Figure C7a.3 Observer’s hierarchy view on the Human behavior
On the virtual level, the observer will undoubtedly do the scaling sensitively with the perception of differences of souls in many religions, mythologies, and philosophies.
We will perceive souls only as the intangible substance of a living being who is not in reality (conflict or advantage) towards real living beings.
In these considerations, he/she will also have a chance to see a shift in how perceptions change between the natural (material) world and the fictional (intangible) world. Today we call it the virtual world, and our knowledge of the actual relationship between both worlds begins.
The observer in the GT sees three core objects. One of them is "The Human." He/she sees a photo, has a view (a shot) of detail or considers a film (a row of images). Each object (thing) is about three primary states of the Human (individual, team/collective, crowd).
It represents different behavior and creates other objects (things) for the observer.
For example, if the object (things) exists in a specific environment (e.g., the course and effects of natural disasters) or when it proves its immaturity (e.g., insufficient physical and mental hygiene or another insanity, like wars). It is helpful to distinguish what the observer is looking for.
Who and what is on display (an individual, a team/collective, or a crowd)? In extreme states of any group, it is helpful to reflect on crowd and herd behavior differences.
In this context, crowd behavior reflects situations when leadership of individuals, teams, or collectives is dying away. Individuals start acting more according to the instructions set in the genes (similarly to other animal species of Nature when feeling fear).
The second is when people are under extreme catastrophes or mainstream pressure and lose their reason (they feel hopeless and enter delirium). Their orientation on leadership is lost, and they are ready to follow any fool or tyrant individual. Situational reactions are close to the behavior of a herd.
The goal of "Paradigm Shift" is to change the behavior of the "Human" object in the Great Triad (GT). It aims to strengthen the object's resilience and vulnerability (think) "The Human."
To enhance its stability and the ability of such an object to maintain local and global development and gain the skills to recover any external (e.g., climate change, pandemic) impacts and internal influences (e.g., extremes in the HS and HD relationships).
For example, in the case of technical infrastructure, it is an administrative unit's ability (sub-facility) to maintain societal needs through the protection, interconnection, and provision of essential services in routine and emergency circumstances.
SPC Concept notes how to evaluate (use) the work acquired through the preparation and implementation of the project. In this sense, he is looking for ways to get to know the Human (as a biological species) in the demanding environment of GT.
It maps its ability to adapt to an environment with growing demands for sophisticated, subject-oriented, and territorially structured activity in the mode of a wide range of algorithms in the background of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). It builds on current trends, knowledge, and practice in these areas.
The SPC Concept follows the Disciplinary Matrix (Figure C5a). For easy orientation in the behavior of individuals and teams in the project mode offers (recommended) to reflect the use of the Matrix and Spin people behavior (Figure C6b, c), especially for building and leading teams in organizations and projects (Figure C4d, e, f).