Figure C7g.1 The Human in the Global Digital Transformation processes

GT Observer
The whole living nature stays on observers (fish, animals, people), and only those aware of what they observe can grasp the result of their observation survive. The Human had the chance to evolve into a partner of the GT.
That is a great honor. However, they need to understand what this position means to him/her: as an observer, they require connectivity. He/she must communicate his observations and predict their impacts on the crowd in the GT competitive environment, and only after building benefits to their advantage. Human needs leaders for their survival.
Target Group
Target Group (TG) of the Great Triad (GT) on the global level comprises leaders, donors, stakeholders, and final beneficiaries. All must have power and strong positions in organizations and projects involved in the transformation processes. TG on this level means the global leadership formed on the platform like the UN is.
Does the Human, as a partner in the GT, have something like this on hand? Is there any project defining the role of this leading position of the Human?
How does the Human explain the need for this step? Can we imagine such a discussion about the Human role in the GT worldwide? Do we need it?
Yes, and just because we all would like to see the SED, DRR, and HA implementation package achievements (anybody would like a better and safer life).
For example, who will pay for it? It is a good question, but now it is not the priority. The priority is the identification of the new paradigm of the behavior of the Human in the GT. Isn't it?
There is a recognition of the importance of leadership - we would like to see leaders as people who can instill a sense of moral and social responsibility in every activity and build a community of shared ideas and ideologies. What is the qualification of current leaders? We know local leaders and leaders of big, small, and powerful states. But the leadership position in the role of a partner of the Great triad (GT) is still missing.
Can we rely on current developments in AI? Will AI help us to form needed leaders? Especially on new machines (computers) that do not make mistakes, when a bug appears, the device quickly learns from such a mistake and will not accept a compromise without commitment. Good, but it's not about the missing Global Leader, who people follow.
A leader is a leader when he/she has authority. For people to accept a leader, their leadership must be respected by at least half of the world population. Leader for the global position is not a new topic and is an issue for the UN.
The GT environment in which such leadership should operate has a more straightforward framework. It should be an impulse, a stimulus to shift it to discussions of the results.
It is a challenge to form a leader and form the face and character of his/her team or collective (this challenge reflects the need, e.g., for the success of the Global Digital Transformation, GDT). For example, Alexander the Great was the leader of his time (as described by historians). Let's try to think of what a leader should look like to pull others to the GDT project? How can history teach us?
Donor, Investor
The Great Triad (GT) has a specific status. It is a mix of time scales. The time units of the Earth (Universe) are in billions of years and the time units of Nature are in millions of years.
The time units of the Human are in thousands of years, including the time unit of impatience associated with the changes in each human generation (e.g., when scientists speak about the last one minute before the twelve hours of the Human end). It all indicates the broad spectrum of different options.
The Earth has the whole Universe, Nature the entire Earth, and the Human (all people) have their families, children, and of course, a desire to have a solid and trustworthy leader. It all gives the impression of incompatible dimensions in big-time and space measurements.
These inconsistent dimensions inspire streams of thinking for many philosophers and politicians, but it is not an incompatibility that limits the typical day-to-day life of others.
Everyone who needs or wants something and can describe it will find their place in this space-time. Such a description advocates this webbook, and its name is a project. Everyone who attends gets a chance, but it's not free.
Money is not the priority; it is about the environment for participation in a project that requires teamwork and respect for the matrix and spin of human behavior. If such a project is on a table and addresses donors and investors, it opens the door for won. But beware. The project needs open data to get money for financing.
Therefore, donors, investors, and anybody else participating (project stakeholder) need to know more about where the project takes place, where it takes advantage, and for whom, what it takes from Earth, what from Nature, and what from other people.
For one project, the weight is small, but for billions of projects, you need to start weighing everything. The Big Data (BD) package of the data flow of SED, DRR, and HA projects and their yearly impacts on the GT environment (on the Earth, Nature, and the Human).
Therefore, it cannot be just about financial resources (money from donors and financial commitments raised by investors) but about considering the overall impact of what Man in the GT does and wants to do in the near and distant future.
Stakeholder & Final Beneficiary
Each financial expense (from a donor or bank) tied to a project has a goal, paths to a destination (both on supply and customers sides), and has its stakeholders and final beneficiaries (both direct and indirect).
It is a clear and well-established scaling for individual projects and project portfolios at the level of organizations or within the competence of individual states. This scaling fails in the global space where the financial expenditures enter unstable structures, and project goals are under pressure from many future stakeholders and complicated paths.
New global supply and customer chains are entering the game of international business cooperation. Thanks to their new opportunities, they distort stable foreign trade. Organizations are turning into monopolies, distorting traditional competition still more and more.
They deform with their powerful control tools. At the extreme, those who do not have these "high-tech" tools will not win the competition in global markets. However, local producers of goods and service providers still have opportunities and can grow.
It raises the question of how their steady-scale scaling should be closing in a global environment, specifically in an environment defined as the Great Triad (GT). Then, we will undoubtedly come across the top Human organization, the United Nations. It is legitimate to ask how the UN can succeed in the GT environment.
The UN was founded on October 24, 1945, and has had 193 member states since 2011. It aims to maintain international peace and security and ensure international cooperation. UN membership depends on the principle of sovereign equality.
And it all creates new questions, e.g., how to define the stakeholders of this company or look at its end beneficiaries? The GT offers a transparent and comprehensive framework for such talks.
Internal and External Influencers
An influencer is someone (or something) who (what) influences a target group. On a large, especially global scale, the target group includes those who project, prepare, implement, and are interested in it and those to whom the projects bring the expected benefits (for example, leaders, donors, stakeholders, and final beneficiaries). Influencers have specialized knowledge.
Such authority can persuade many other people (e.g., on social networks or through professional studies) to monitor project life cycles, evaluate them, and increase the quality of subsequent projects. Influencers thus build a platform for development and security in a specific environment.
They create a new atmosphere in the team where they operate, in which they are preparing and implementing the project. Any influencer affects followers. The role of the influencer is better seen when we distinguish between its internal and external functions.
Internal functions are directly related to the perception of the matrix of people's behavior in the team, in the organizations that shape the project and lead to its completion. Other tasks bring the external function.
Although usually located outside its surroundings, they are related to current processes in the project and have a decisive impact on the quality and scope of consequences after the project has ended and entered the operational phase (when the project serves its target group).
Again, this is nothing new (although far from standard) for projects on a national (local) scale. Otherwise, the role of the influencer will look and sound in the GT environment. Is this another topic for discussion?
The Global Digital Transformation (GDT) processes have their target group, leaders, donors and investors, stakeholders, final beneficiaries, and own characteristics of internal and external influencers.
It will change the system of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that represent our current way of looking at reality. All that complexity brings us again to the definition of the paradigm.
We expect GDT to come, and nothing changes how people will be ready for it, whether just some or no one. Only quality will decrease if the preparation is poor.
Of course, each of us is in our way, in the dimension of our intelligence and education. And the paradigm shift will occur when the Human (at least the population worldwide) accumulates the courage to absorb this Shift.
Because only then do we see the changes and observe them (in a different light, we see the current system of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices). It will allow us to formulate (collect) data and expectations about what is likely to happen.
But we do not see the data that falls outside the recognized paradigm. We cannot work with such data. There are many examples. Allow me to add an obvious, understandable, and illuminating one.
It is about the First World War's initiation and impacts. It is the best warning for all of us. The powers went to war with naive enthusiasm, and in general, no one saw (unsuspected) the vast shame for the population that had opened a door for a new global threat in the GT; the catastrophe „Made in by Human."
Data is the most critical object of the global environment's structure (hierarchy) of target groups. Figures C7g, (1, 2, 3) demonstrate it.
Figure C7g.1 notices the target group on the climax, on the worldwide level. It follows by Figure C7g.2, with the proviso that it moves directly from the general, broad concept of projects to the SPC Concept environment and notices the target groups in this format.
Figure C7g.2 focuses on the role of local leaders, entrepreneurs, and local families living in a province (in a territory of about one mill. inhabitants anywhere around the world).