Figure C7i.2 Grading elements of diamond and the SPC Concept

Figure C7i.2 Grading elements of diamond and the SPC Concept
Grading comparison between indicators of a diamond's value and the SPC Concept solves Figure C7i.2. It explains the role of the algorithm of goals and paths via two triads of the Dialectical Diagram (DD). It allows us to tell one story in two ways.
The first is short and naive and indicates what it means to go to a client directly with a diamond in hand (in any stage of its formation). Unfortunately, it is not an isolated phenomenon.
This approach is often used (e.g., to go to a client directly and try to realize the first and too fast wish), and for different reasons (e.g., lack of cash, fear of inflation, or any mainstream influencers in an arena of the local business climate).
In the project business, time is critical. On one side, there is enough time for any clients (thanks to and via planning processes in projects). Conversely, neglecting the time can cause fatal damage to the project life cycle.
Therefore the longer way is recommended, as indicated by the Dialectic Diagram and the Diagram of the Algorithm Cycle.
A brief description of both paths is split separately for the diamonds and the SPC Concept indicators.
Diamond grading elements:
The customer (a) is a core element of the structure of the grading system of the diamond market. The market value of the diamond is identified as the Carat Weight, CW, a measurable element defined as physical weight of a diamond (d).
The following elements (b, e, c) represent the results of operations on a rough diamond. They monitor and report the diamond value growth and increase their value (clarity, cut, color) for the needed business level in the broader economic environment. This approach allows trustful certification.
The element (f) represents the completed grading system and the set of certificates with measurable indicators. Thus, finally, the object (a diamond) can address customers and trustfully act on the open market worldwide.
Inspiration for the SPC project grading methodology
(note: SPC project of the SPC Concept are implemented via the SPC Utility in the framework of the SPC Drivers, see more in Chapters D and E):
The customer (G0) is a core element of the structure of the grading system of any SPC project. The market value of such projects (or a portfolio's value) is identified as a result of the preparation and implementation stages of a specific project or project portfolio. In summary, as a work or an object (G1).
The following elements (G2, G3, and G4) represent the end-user capacity, technological tools, and the intellectual capacity needed for the business activities of the specific project or a project portfolio in the broader economic environment. This approach allows trustful certification (see more in Section 10).
The element (G5) represents the completed grading system and the set of certificates with measurable indicators. Thus, finally, the object (a collection of projects or group of projects in portfolios) can address customers and trustfully act on the open market worldwide.
The table below Figure C7i.3 offers a brief comparison of grading elements of diamonds and the SPC concept. It is a tool for support of individual thinking about the role of indicators in a business, about the sense of the grading system of an object value on common principles for broader uses.