Figure C8c.2c Structure and scope of tasks of the mission

C8c.2c Structure and scope of tasks of the mission
Figure C8c.2c introduces the structure and scope of tasks of the mission of the SPC Concept; illustrates two views. The first presents the methodology used, and the second indicates a set of proposed vision tasks in finance and periods. In summary, the mission underlines three critical areas for needed (projected) results:
Navigation: to discuss, prepare and implement critical initiatives for the factual, time and cost perception of the V&M proposal for the preparation and implementation of Global Digital Transformation (GDT) projects. A key initiative is the tuning of the Target Group (TG), which is essential for work.
Withdom: carry out scaling work (current and forthcoming) on SED, DRR and HA projects and their impact on development and safety in the Great Triad (GT). Use the results to re-distribute the acquired and planned values to implement the Global Digital Transformation (GDT).
Intelligence: To predict (to forecast) the readiness of current civilization to accept the SDG VM (most people in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas worldwide). How are they prepared to allocate their knowledge (know-how) and skills (abilities) in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in favor of such a complex project?
If yes, then the Target Group (TG), defined by this webbook, is authorized to start accepting the quality and scope of opportunities of technologies such as Blockchain and Smart Contract (to unroll their full intellectual potential). Specifically for preparing and implementing projects under the "Project Management" direction and subsequently under the "New Project Paradigm."
Figures C8b. and C8c. outlines steps of V&M analysis. Two strategic approaches are presented. The first brings an example of the path of the Human to the GDT. The second indicates the mission role of the GDT. Shows the options of guaranteeing the Human (his/her) position in the Great Triad (GT). Both are challenging to motivate and navigate human capacity, global financial resources, and access to new technologies.
Figures C8d.1 and C8d.2 provide a different view of the same thing. It is an effort to capture the shift in people's thinking (e.g., digital inclusion needs), or to find a way to shift human reflection on the mission of the GDT (e.g., enforcement of tactics for the new project paradigm development and dissemination). The V&M presents a dynamic Dialectic Diagram (DD), and the importance of the "Creative Initiative" is underlined.