Figure C8e.1 The economy and social environment and of threats in the GT

Figure C8e.1 The economy and social environment and of threats in the GT
Figure C8e.1 treats organizations from the point of view of their project portfolio activities. According to their target programs, organizations are profiled with links to supplier and customer ties that they have or want to change. The model distinguishes three levels:
Enterprises in advanced countries.
Enterprises in middle-income countries.
Enterprises in low-income countries.
Indicated are the core differences in the absorption capacity of different states (their provinces) to participate in and implement the GDT projects.
Differences in the capability to absorb new technologies (e.g., to understand them) and locally disseminate them (e.g., to specific Final Beneficiaries, F.B. of peri-urban and rural areas of low-income territories).
The set of Figure C9c. 1, 2, 3, in addition, reminds the need to balance the effects of digital inclusion of the local population and protect against any negative impacts on growing trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and G5 information technologies dissemination (if the further global development goes in this direction and so fast).
A more detailed look at the scaling of organizations by region and their GNI per capita can be offered by the World Bank Atlas data by the current 2022 fiscal year:
Advanced economies: $4,096 and $12,695 or more.
Middle-income economies: $1,046 and $4,095.
Low-income economies: $1,045 or less.
Gross National Incomes (GNI) per capita, formerly Gross National Product, GNP capita is the gross national income, converted to U.S. dollars using the World Bank Atlas method, divided by the midyear population).
GNI is the total income received by the country from its residents and businesses. Regardless of whether they are located in the country or abroad.
GNP includes the income of all a country's residents and businesses, whether it flows back to a country's government or is spent abroad.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculates the total value of the goods and services produced within a country's borders.