Figure C9b.2 The growth of spans for bridging of digital inclusion gaps in time

Figure C9b.2 The growth of spans for bridging of digital inclusion gaps in time
Figure C9b.2 confirms the relativity effect on real-life situations. The To-be timing, scaled as milestones, has different impacts on the future.
To have an opportunity to work on progress should mean (generally) being on the path to positive results. But there is also a negative, hidden influencer that strikes full force when it may no longer be expected.
For example, the irreversible impact of neglected inclusion on parents also affects children. The effects are worse than neglected reading or writing.
It can be caught up, for example, to learn by life. However, losing orientation in the environment around the personality, work team or the whole community is a much higher psychological burden and generally more dangerous for everyone.
Digital inclusion is a problem, both qualitative and quantitative. Quality enhances the range of opportunities for technology (especially ICT) to increase and increase the dependence of individuals, teams, and entire cities on the services that technology (e.g., AI and ML) can offer them.
On the other hand, the quantity is growing, most of whom do not reach these services. Growing imbalances can shake up the Spin of Human behavior (see Figure C6c). Individuals, teams, and collectively, entire communities can cause instability in developing new technologies, including GDT.
It is nothing new, again. But what is new is the size and associated resource demands and waste growth mainly from transformations full of blunders. Therefore, the webbook tries to present the Shift of the Human in a hierarchy of three triads (GT, TT, and PP, see more in Figure C5b.).
Accepting the tactic means not talking about something generally, e.g., to say it is not simple and is not a "piece of cake." It is not enough.
On the tactic level, you must be specific. You should take the matter into your hands, e.g., take a piece of a cake (or anything else) and talk about its details. Mainly, or only, in a scale, the specific detail (element or fact) must be understandable to all listeners or stakeholders.
Tactics bring many new views, such as relativity or the hierarchy of the same objects in different environments.
For example, relativity thinking on a strategic level makes politicians nervous because it diverts them from the doctrines of their political goals.
On the other hand, the level of tactics understands relativity as the optimization process. Sayed, relativity thinking is the only one-way way to fulfill tasks of project limits (of scope, time, money).
For example, who wouldn't want to have an organization or a project and keep the balance of three criteria: reduce all debts, permanently pay low taxes, and see my spending growing. Yes, strategy forms the framework, but the tactics bring fruits.
The following Figures allow us to think about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. SDG projects transformed via the Algorithm Framework Theory (AFT) into the new project paradigm in the Global Digital Transformation (GDT) processes.