Figure C9d.2 Business framework of standard organizations and projects in a scaling

Figure C9d.2 Business framework of standard organizations and projects in a scaling
Business stages and budgeting operations of any organizations (governmental and other public and private) and projects (both public and private sectors) are challenges mostly of low-income territories (provinces) but not only of areas (provinces) in developing countries.
For example, International Monetary Fund (IMF) analyzed the Sub-Saharan African states and informed that generally, many finance ministers of this continent have to overcome three obstacles:
Meeting increased spending needs because of the pandemic (to increase spending),
To reduce and solve a pronounced increase in public debt, and
To mobilize more tax revenues into national and local budgets.
The international community can help, but the main effort must come from national/local governments of, e.g., in sub-Saharan Africa. Greater transparency to lift the efficiency of public spending, improving tax administration, and medium-term fiscal frameworks for debt sustainability can help policymakers meet this challenge.
The IMF talks about the need to scale and standardize data creation and operation and solve the digital transformation of organizations on the global level. Generally, organizations distinguish three budget dimensions:
Policy-making role in choosing how to allocate resources,
Management role in allocating resources to a particular task to obtain inputs required to achieve outputs, and
Control role in giving legal authority to collect and spend money (how much on what) with a fast response.