Figure C9g.1 Data model of a specific modular construction concept

Figure C9g.1 Data model of a specific modular construction concept
Figure C9g.1 presents an example of applying a modular building construction system in a valley around a river (brook) in peri-urban or rural y with open for new or rebuilding old settlements.
Introduces the Modular Building Construction System (MBCS) brand with an ambition to be helpful to a vast spectrum of clients in different localities.
Another symbol in the figure introduces "Functions" of the brand of the MBCS, e.g.:
guaranteed static resistance of the structure against earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, and other similar adverse effects of climate change,
energy self-sufficiency (e.g., a combination of solar panels and batteries),
fire safety (firewall system),
essential infrastructure equipment, like, (e.g., access to drinking, utility, and sewage water, access roads, access to electricity, etc.).
Model on Figure C9g.1 offers five variants of positions of MBCS objects, for example, in the flood area.
Variant V1 is safe (a place with no risk of floods). Similarly, the V5 variant is secure (floodwalls and functional sewers ensure the safety of the building).
It is not the case with other variants: Variant V2 (landslides endanger the building) and variant V3 ( a picture of complete irresponsibility in conditions where new facilities are located in flooded areas).
Variant V4: brings other and unique threat situations.
Modular Building Construction System (MBCS) aims to integrate all works on identifying, preparing, and implementing MBCS and find solutions for their maintenance and modernization.
It is an example of the SPC Utility (intellectual/distributed) services (including financial sources, commitments, statements, and transparency of insurance or other obligations).
We are talking about a package of tasks of a project on a local (in situ) level. The following Figures introduce spectra of the data structure of administrative and construction procedures.
Figure C9g.2 shows the link of the package of SED, DRR, and HA projects (from the global strategy level) to the package of MBCS projects for the local level (from the provincial-local strategy to scaling the project's tasks by specific needs in situ of the SPC Utility area of services).
The Project Triad (PT) with the goal results and the path processes indicates the data flow continuum in both directions, from top-down to bottom-up and opposite.
The indicator chain in Figure C9g.2 keeps the interface for the framework of all data operations on the global and local levels.