Figure C9h.1 Data structure model of administration of building works

Figure C9h.1 Data structure model of administration of building works
Figure C9h.1 directly links to the content of Figures C9g (five variants).
Recalls the data structure and flow of the administrative procedures for a set of buildings (building kits) and outlines essential scales of processes of the SPC Utility (proposed an orchestration unit for a province territory, more see in Chapter D).
The figure combines the dialectic diagram and a standard table form to present the goal (horizontal items) and paths to the destination (vertical items). The algorithmic chart underlines the role of green and red arrows.
The goal is to open the task solving of the existing complexity of present administrative procedures, outline their potential for changes on the algorithm cycle, and transform them into the environment of the machine's operation (orchestration) as the specific outcomes of the Global Digital Transformation, GDT.