Figure C9i.1 Data structure model of construction of buildings

Figure C9i.1 Data structure model of construction of buildings
Figure C9i.1 directly links to the content of Figures C9g (five variants). Recalls construction works' data structure and flow during the project preparation and implementation stages.
More details of this operation for buildings (building kits) are presented in Chapters D and E (linked to the SPC Utility and SPC Drivers functions). Similarly, also, this figure combines the dialectic diagram and a standard table form. The algorithmic chart repeats the sense of green and red arrows.
The goal is still the same. To open a space for decreasing the existing complexity of project preparation and implementation stages and outline the potential of the SPC Utility for the new project paradigm apps. Undoubtedly, opening such multidisciplinary and international research and development is recommended first in low-income countries.
Of course, as a worldwide Global Digital Transformation (GDT) segment. The target is to open a unique initiative of digitalization projects for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in provinces of developing countries.